Baby Makes Three [MPREG]

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Summary : 
It's been 5 years since they got together, as in being lovers. They came out about their relationship to the public about a year ago. Around 3 years ago, there is this possibility of men getting pregnant. What if Earth wants children and what'd be Kao respond?


Earth lean himself back against Kao's shoulder. His mind is somewhere else, proven by his eyes looking so far away without moving. Kao has his eyes on his lovers. Their busy schedule seizes their opportunity to be this relax together.

"What are you thinking, Mu?" asked Kao.

"Ehm, P'Kao..." he nervously fidgeting with his shirt, his eyes still look far away.

Kao knows that if his bunny acted this way, he wants something but hesitate to ask him. He looks at the way the wind flicks off Earth's brown hair, "I know you're overthinking something, Mu."

Earth switched his gaze to his hands that keep fidgeting with the sweater he wears, "I've been wondering...what do you think about children?" he started nervously.

Kao frowns at his lover, "Children? Why did you suddenly ask about children?" 

Earth swallow the nervousness he felt, "Do you hate the idea of it?"

Kao sweep the leaves that fell on top of Earth's hair and look intently at his bunny's face, "Mu, bunny, you do know that our careers are still soaring high right? What would the fans say? I think we can't be thinking about children for a few more years."

Earth look straight at Kao's eyes after hearing that, "But, don't you think the idea of having one of our own is just wonderful?"It usually wouldn't take a long time for Kao to melt against his lover's wish, but he feels the need to resist this time, no matter what.

"You know that I love you, Mu. We should focus on our careers. If we have children right now, think about our hectic schedules. Then there's also people opinions; we can't risk it," explained Kao. 

Earth looks ready to protest, but Kao gives him a look that means no further argument. Earth bite his lower lips to hold the tightness in his chest due to his desire being rejected by Kao.

"We will talk about this later. For now, let's enjoy our free time together like these," Kao looks at Earth's dejected face, he caresses Earth's face, "I love you, Mu."

Not long after, tears fell slowly from Earth's beautiful big eyes. The petite man tried to hold back the sobs that he really wanted to let out because he knows that his lover didn't like him crying over a small matter like this, but a minute later his lips couldn't hold it. He whimpered.

Kao's face shows just how apologetic he is, and his finger wipes off the tears on his bunny's face, "Mu, I'm so sorry. It's not my intention to make you cry like these, and please stop crying."

Earth tried to stop the tears by kissing Kao because his lover's kisses always melted him and made him forget his surroundings.

After almost 10 minutes of them kissing so passionately, Kao hugs his Mu as if he's afraid of losing him.

Earth pat Kao's back and lets go of the hug, he smiled softly, trying to brighten up the mood, "Ok! We better leave now before Fluke teases us later on despite he always snogging P'Ohm every chance he got!"


A few months passed by. Kao was busy with his new movie, and Earth's schedule was packed with his new TV series. The both of them rarely meet each other because how awfully mismatched their schedules were, but when they do have the time, they spent it together in Kao's apartment doing you-know-what the entire time.

One afternoon on Earth's apartment. With trembling hands, Earth walked towards the sink slowly. He cautiously looks at the pregnancy test kit on top of the sink. Two pink lines."Positive? No, no, no, it can't be!"Earth's right hand unconsciously went to his still-flat belly."There's a baby in here?"

Earth never intended to let this happen. Sure he knows the horny rabbit-like activities they did every time they have the chance is possibly the reason. 

What will Kao say of this? 

Kao didn't really want children. 

He might- 

Earth shook his head. No, Kao will be happy...right?

There are always the words 'what if'... 

What if Kao isn't happy? 

What if Kao refused to acknowledge our child?

What if Kao told me to abort our baby?

Earth was now sitting on the toilet seat, wondering how he could deliver this news to Kao. He felt really nervous.

With a determined heart and mind, Earth calls his lover to come over to his apartment.

Kao arrived not long after, and luckily he was available today. "Hey Mu, how are you, baby?"

Earth freeze upon hearing the word baby, he rubbed his palms nervously, "Ehm, P'Kao...I have something to te-tell you," his voice shook, and then tears fell on his white cheeks.

Kao quickly approached his lover and embraced him with a worried expression, "Mu, whatever you say, I promise I won't be mad.

Luckily with them hugging, Earth doesn't have to look at Kao's face, he took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant, we will have a baby."

Kao broke away from the hug a few moments after there was a pause between them. He's looking at Earth's face intently, trying to see if it was just a lie or maybe the younger want to joke with him.

Finding none, he pulled Earth's face so that their eyes met, but before he could say anything, Earth continues his rambling.

"I won't force you to be involved in their lives. I just told you, so you know of their existence because I'm not getting rid of my baby. If you're worried about people's reaction, it's fine if you don't acknowledge them, I would understand..." Earth gave Kao a sincere smile.

Kao grabbed both of Earth's hands, "Mu, Earth Katsamonnat, since the first time I set my eyes on you, I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. With a child or not, I love all of you, both of you. Will you allow me to be part of this little family?"

Earth look shocked. He slowly nodded; he gives Kao his radiant smile. 

Kao can't hold it, and he kissed Earth's plumps lips deeply. To somehow deepen their kiss, Earth encircles his hands to Kao's neck. When both feel the need for oxygen, they slowly pull off from each other's face.

With a stupid grin on both of their face, Kao places his forehead on Earth's. "You do know this child will be the most loved, right?"

Earth rolled his eyes and poked Kao's cheeks in annoyance, "Of course! everyone will love our baby, especially us!"

They both grinning to each other into their initial happiness as a little family, the three of them.


KaoEarth ONESHOTS AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz