#02 Kidnapped

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I don't think this deserves a warning.

I mean, it's not fluff and there's... a bit of violence... nevermind,


Warning: mentions of violence. That's it.

Note: This is still Modern AU




#02 Kidnapped

Third POV


Geno didn't expect being kidnapped would be... this gentle.

Terrifying, yes, and just as violent as any kidnapping situation would be but he didn't expect this.

He expected aggressive yelling and a lot of struggle. He expected to be bodily hauled and restrained. And most of all, he expected to be hurt.

He never expected to be handled so gently.

He never even expected to be kidnapped at all.

Sitting in the backseat of a car, surrounded by four men in black suits, Geno still couldn't believe he's being kidnapped.

Maybe it was because of the fact that he wasn't restrained. They didn't tie up his arms and legs, they didn't gag him, or even blindfolded him.

He's just sitting there, albeit comfortably, guarded by men twice his size on each side.

Geno could struggle but there's no guarantee that they wouldn't shoot him. They're armed, after all.

Glancing up through the windshield, they drove through the unsuspecting city streets, two cars ahead of them, and two more trailing behind.

There's a lot of them. They're really adamant about taking him.

They barged into his home with firearms in their hands, pinned down his friends, and pointed their guns at their heads. Then they demanded that he come with them.

Ink, Dream, and Blue, off duty police officers, were screaming at him to run but Geno couldn't.

He was threatened that if he resists, they'll blow their heads off.

Geno unwillingly surrendered himself in exchange for the lives of his friends.

He expected to be dragged and manhandled like how they did to the others, tied them up together and gagged them for being too loud.

But no. No one dared lay a hand on him and not a single barrel of gun was aimed at him.

They let him walk at his own pace as they lead him out of the house and into one of the sleek black cars parked in front of his home. They let him climbed into the backseat on his own without being threatened to hurry up.

Geno wasn't sure if it was for the 'show' as not to alarm his neighbors or that they were simply polite. The first option seemed plausible.

If that was the case, then they're too d*mn smart and their operation was too d*mn organized to the point that Geno doubts that this was a simple, normal kidnapping situation.

His friends have been knocked out and he was surrounded the whole time to make sure he wouldn't escape.

Geno doesn't plan to. No matter how dreadful the situation was in because his friend's lives were on the line.

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