Miracle and Unexpected Happenings

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Last night I stayed at a rest stop and my wallet disappeared. Apparently I'd left it in the dashboard and the passenger window was down. I didn't know it was gone until the next day. I completely freaked out and my and my fiance tried looking for it and failed. We went inside Dollar Tree for a bit of a breather and then came out to look again. While he did I'm around in the car, I prayed to the Lord, My Matron and my Patron (my mother and father) to provide just one miracle and even soft the timeline if they had to. Moments later, my wallet appeared out of thin air right in front of my fiance's eyes right next to his hand.

I myself have slight temporal control due to my Patron but I'm still pretty sure it was The Lord or my father who caused the miracle and or timeline shift.

A little while later, I went into Safeway to chemo my balance so I could go back into dollar tree and my fiance followed but stupid in one place by the produce and wouldn't leave after I finished so I jokingly asked the Lord for a reason to have come in here and wandered over to the ice cream section (I was planning to buy ice cream at dollar tree and I only had two bucks to spare). Lo and behold, I saw a big tub(1.5 qrts) of ice cream for only 1.99 when it was normally 4.99. This also happened back when I had my miscarriage and my boyfriend went into a Safeway so I could drown myself in ice cream and himself in a hard cider (he's not an alcoholic or a drunkard, here just drinks occasionally) and the ice cream was 1.99 instead of 4.99 and the cider was like 50% off meaning we could actually afford it.

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