Time and Reality Powers

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I just remembered something.

I'm not sure if any of you know of this but lots of people have experiences where they end up in another timeline (people tend to call them dimensions though), just look on YouTube if you don't realize.

Anyway, I tend to have a lot of those experiences except they're more minor than most people experience.

For instance, I'll remember something differently than others, such as knowing I handed something to my fiance but then him saying I never handed it to him. Or times when I've changed outcomes just by focusing on it. For instance, on my old phone, images never went through because it was hacked a while ago but when I actually focused on it working it did it my bank account rarely key me log in it would if I focused. Now that part might just be me and my technopathy but I've also had it happen with non-electronics. For instance, yesterday, my fiance wanted to go fishing and I didn't because if all the mud on the ground and I half-focused on having a rain to not go out and a few minutes later we raise the lake is closing soon, we won't have time to fix or equipment AND go out an then this guy offers us two of his fish because he caught a lot so that meant I didn't have to fish that day. Another point is that I'll sometimes wake up with bruises or other initially that came from nowhere and are in places that I couldn't have hurt while sleeping such as next to my armpit or behind my ear or the side of my leg near my knee and some days I won't have then and then I'll end up looking at that spot later for some reason and find them there. Finally, things goes morning and reappear at random around me, with has been happening for months if not years. Basically, when I lose or drop something and I can't find it, it'll reappear in the oddest spot. Such as a cheese stick from about a year ago. I went to my mom's house to work on some stuff and get away from Granny for a few hours and dropped my cheese stick. It was still wrapped so it was fine when I found it but where I found it was odd - underneath a table where it was impossible for it to have ended up under - and mom doesn't eat cheese sticks so it wasn't anything of hers.

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