i guess I'll speak my mind then

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I just want to say that it's okay if you don't agree with me or even hate me after what I'm about to tell you. This honestly sucks but here we go.

So I'm sure you all are aware of the gorge Floyd situation, and I've been seeing tweets about ppl tagging the boys saying they should use their platform to spread positivity, which is fine. But it feels weird to me because I feel like ppl are pressuring their Stans to speak up about this topic and the thing is, is that they don't have to speak up about the situation if they don't want to even though they are aware of the issues. I completely understand that there are many ppl who see their stans as roll model's and look up to them and expect them to talk about things that go on in this world, and bring awareness and just share their opinion on it. I just feel like our Stans can choose if they want to talk about something or not and not have that pressure of their supporters wanting then to say something.

Like when Sam tweeted something about this earlier, I seen a tweet saying "now we wait for colby." (I know, I'm sorry) With like a photo of Spongebob drinking something; as if he was waiting for something. I understand that you want him to say something but, what if he doesn't want to ya know (as of now I don't know if he has said  anything about it, I'm wasn't on my socials to know) maybe he doesn't feel comfortable talking about this. I just wished ppl understood that ppl will speak up when they are ready.

Well here's my little rant I guess, I'm not mad at the ppl who are tagging their Stans, it's just weird for me. And again I understand if you don't agree with what I said, feel free to comment what you think.

Sorry for this being late, I was doing homework.

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