lil rant

164 5 25

So I've seen a lot of people on Twitter saying that colby needs to apologize at this very moment. I just want to say, can you guys chill out about that situation. Like I'm pretty sure he's aware of what he did and I'm pretty sure he's not doing to well mentally at the moment. Now I'm not sure if he did apologize for it in the past, if he did hopefully he'll address that situation and say he did apologize just for reassurance. I don't know why some of you are so demanding about this situation, like colby isn't in the right mental state to speak up about everything that happened this week. So could you please lay off his back for a bit and give him time to gather his thoughts and emotions about everything. Stop tagging and sub tweeting him demanding an apology because you're just adding to the fire.

I also think it was petty for someone to dig up that video of him saying it and just completely bashing him for something that happened when he was like 15. Like that's kind of low for you to do but, I guess we have a bigger issue now. And no I'm not making excuses for him because I stan and support him. I'm doing this because some of you guys just seem like you don't care about how much crap he's been through the last few days between death threats, hate comments, people telling him to c** himself. He has a lot on his plate. When his ready to speak he will address everything thats happening. Just give him time.

Im also not trying to tell people how to feel even though it seems like it. I'm just asking for some of you to take consideration about his well-being. And if you disagree about this situation that's okay this is just MY opinion.

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