im sorry

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So I don't know how you guys feel about me bringing drama and real world problems on here. I know that you guys probably come on wattpad to get away and distract yourself from those sorts of things. And I'm sorry for bringing these types of things in this book. This book is just a way for me to spill out all my emotions and views on everything that I feel like has the need to be talked about-for me at least. And I know this book isn't really solby to often, it's just that I don't really have any new photos or things to talk about solby. I think everyone understands that. Plus I just don't have theories about them.

Again I'm sorry if anything I put on here is upsetting to you or if I'm annoying you with all the things I talk about. I only do this because, I have no one to rant to so this is the only option I had left. And I also like interacting with you guys about these things even if no one cares.

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