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hey guys! collaborated book again, you know the drill!! but now we got a system written down!!

odd chapters - haruka
even chapters - yeonmi


heyoo, haruka here. time to get this show on the road!!


"dad for the last time, that is not going to hap- be rational for once in your life, will you?!!" jaehyun growled into his phone, voice rough and sounding every bit like the alpha he was. anyone in their right mind wouldn't want to mess with an alpha when they raise their tone like that.

"no, i don't accept. i'm not an idiot you can toy with," with gritted teeth, a low growl escaped past his throat as he glared at his phone, "forget it, dad, i'm not doing this with you."

and with those final words, he slammed the telephone down, ultimately ending the call.

jaehyun took a deep breath as he tried to regain his composure. he never did like his father, not even when he was a child, but now he was just getting on his nerves like no other this time.

"sir?" a soft voice called from behind, followed by a series of knocking on the door, "may i come in?"

jaehyun sighed again and told the person to enter.

"i'm sorry to interrupt sir, but there's a call for you from the department head," jaehyun's assistant stated as he entered the room.

jaehyun rolled his eyes before pinching the bridge of his nose while groaning, making the assistant smile.

"i'll tell him to call you another time then," the dom-beta hums and writes something down on his clipboard, jaehyun sighs tiredly, "yes, thank you doyoung."

"just doing my job," doyoung sneaks a glance at the alpha with a cheeky glint in his eyes, "but you could always reward me with a rais-"

"continue that sentence and you can forget about your-"

"ok," doyoung coughs while jaehyun merely chuckles, "other news i have for you is that mr. wong recently landed."

"yuk?" jaehyun snorted as he grabbed and scrolled through his cellular phone to check his recent messages with his half-brother, "little shit didn't even tell me when he was coming back."

doyoung rolled his eyes at his boss' unprofessional language but didn't say anything.

"wonwoo's done with his 'mourning funeral rites' thingy, right?" jaehyun asks insensitively as he circles around his desk to grab his coat and bag.

"yes, he should be done with his father's funeral process in a few minutes-" doyoung is interrupted as jaehyun marches past him.

"fantastic, give yukhei and wonwoo a call and tell them to meet me at the usual place, we have some catching up to do." jaehyun orders as he exits the room. "and tell that department that he better get his shit together or i'll fire him myself."

doyoung stared as his boss exited his view and let out a deep sigh, "why do i have to do the dirty work for him? oh right, he pays me."

jaehyun takes a deep breath of the fresh air when he steps out of his building before putting on a mask and a cap to hide his appearance from the public eye and made his way down the sidewalk.

there wasn't anything particular about that day, he just wanted to talk to his half-brothers about something and some fresh air. it's been a while since they hung out together as a family.

he hums a quiet song to himself as he walks past a seemingly ordinary orphanage, his pace slows down as he stares at the old structure and its dusty panes before walking past it.

inside the orphanage, another trouble was rousing about within its walls, and they involved a little omega running around the halls.

the omega pants as he ran, fingers curled up into a tight fist in anger at what he had overheard that morning.

he can't believe the headmistresses would do that to them. he had to find them right now and tell them what they were planning so they could think of a plan.

two other omegas were doing their own thing and sharing a few jokes when the door to their shared bedroom was slammed open making both yelp- the taller omega jumping off his seat and onto the ground.

the omega who barged in shook his head as he panted, entering quickly and shutting the door behind him, locking the door.

"taeyong?" the soft-voiced omega called as he helped the taller omega stand, "what's wrong? did you start a fight with the headmistress agai-"

"they're planning to put us up to that stupid lottery." taeyong blurted out through gritted teeth as he glared at the ground.

"w-what?" the taller omega cried out in horror with widened eyes, "we've been good, we're behaving, why-"

"because we're getting older, no one adopts the older kids in the orphanage! because we refuse to get adopted without each other." taeyong hisses in anger, arms crossing themselves over his chest. "there's going to be fewer mouths to feed, so they literally have nothing against the idea of putting us on that lottery."

the lottery was a place a lot of omegas in the orphanage are afraid of. it's an alternative way to give the omegas homes and where the rejected and unwanted omegas were sold off to, be it against their will or pliant to the headmistress' wishes.

they would be put up a pedestal while the alphas attending will rake their eyes over them and hope that their number gets called. it was disgusting in the three's opinions since it was obvious the omegas sold off in the lottery wouldn't exactly be living in paradise.

"how long do we have?" jungwoo whispered, still trying to understand the situation they were just warned about.

"i'd give them a month or so before they turn their attention to us." taeyong notes, "they're pretty busy with the alpha's brawl that happened last night."

the other two kept quiet, tensions in the room as dense as they can be until a single loud sob came from the taller omega.

taeyong's eyes softened as he turned to his best friend- his family , "come on, mingyu, don't cry or you'll make jungwoo cry too."

"too late," the tall omega hiccuped as he turned to a teary-eyed jungwoo.

"what are we going to do now?" jungwoo sniffled as he tried to wipe away the tears before they could flow out.

"we either make a plan on how to convince them to let us stay or run away." taeyong concludes as he looks away from them so they don't see that he's just as lost as they are.

the entire situation just seems hopeless. they had nowhere to go, no one to turn to, they didn't have a family to begin with, the other kids in the orphanage never got along with them well. they had nothing and no one but each other to rely on.

jungwoo's sniffling seemed to grow louder once the reality that there was nothing they could do started to set in. jungwoo and mingyu's crying would suffice for all of them as taeyong glared at no one at all for their fate, ignoring the sting in his eyes as tears started to form on the corner of his eyes as well.

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