Chapter 4 : im sorry

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"ow!" I said waking up and looking at Josie "why in the world would you wake me up by 9 am on a Saturday"

"Because your messed up best friend keeps calling me because your phone is switched off" she said and exited my room

And that's when it crossed my mind that I have to go shopping with Gabi and Stella then I picked up my phone and decided to text her

What time are you coming over?

I'm on my way to Stella's before coming there so maybe in 10 minutes max

I got up and made my way to the bathroom did the necessary and went down stairs to wait for her . Wait a minute I'm going shopping and God  knows when I'm coming back and Dan is inviting some of his friends and there's no way I'm leaving them alone so I pick up my phone to call Ryan

" Hey, is it ok if you come over and look after my siblings you can bring Derek and Harry if you want but not Cole " I said " yeah sure no biggy" " I hope your not calling a babysitter for a six" "fifteen " I cut in " and it's Ryan he's coming over

I hear the honk of a car and that's my cue " bye" I say and run out to the car and stay at the back seat

The drive was long and boring we all sat there in silence until we pulled up in the malls parking lot

"That was a long ride " Stella said as we walked into the shopping mall and we all nodded in agreement


After trying on so many clothes , shoes and other stuff we decided to have lunch at an eatery before heading back

"I don't feel hungry, let me just take a walk around the mall and you guys can call me when you're Done so I can meet up" I said then walked in the opposite direction to them

As I was walking admiring the beautiful stores and decorations I was shoved by someone making my phone fall to the ground

"Sorry" the guy said picking up my phone before he looked at my   face " oh Amy it's you how you doing"

"Do you have a thing for shoving me cuz this is like the second time this week" I said as he handed me my phone

"I said I was sorry, and I even caught you the first time"

"Ok you have a point , but you threatened me " I said making emphasis on threatened

"I was high and in a bad mood"
"Why were you in a bad mood " I asked curiously as we walked round the mall "let's just say I woke up on the wrong side of bed"

" So what do you like to do in your free time " I said trying to change the topic

"Hanging out with my best friend Brian, playing video games with my brothers, just normal stuff " he replied " what about you" he said as we sat on a bench

"Have fun with my siblings since I don't have time to go visiting and my dad's always out so no one to look after them but me"

"What about your mom" he asked me and I felt a sharp pain in my chest trying to hold in the pain

"I rather not talk about her , it was nice meeting you " I said standing up and walking away so I don't cry in front of him

Then he pulls me back to face him "I'm sorry , if you didn't want me to talk about it and can I get your number so we can talk later " and I gave him my number and I got a call from Gabi meaning it's time to go "I gotta go bye" I said and exited the mall and walked over to the car

Not too long she drops me off at my place as I open the front door a shoe hits me Right in the face

" What the fuck, who is the stupid person who threw a shoe at me!" I yelled practically angry then Cole spoke up" it was me and what are you gonna do about it"

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