Chapter 15

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After my shower i still feel weighed down by tonights activities so im at my balcony looking at the street

I open my locket and look at my moms beautiful face , the three of us have her eyes but dan got my dads hair while i and josie had hers

I wish i never punched joanna .. wait i actually loved it but i didnt intend to knock her out

And above all that dickhead was yelling at me , who does  he think he is

I'm brought out of my thoughts when someone covers me with a blanket and I turn around and see Luke

"It's late shouldn't you be heading home " I said adjusting the blanket  around my arms

"No they won't even notice" he said then leans on the railing beside me

"Thank you" I said not looking at him "what for?" He asks and I turn to face him and he is staring back at me then I look away

"You know if you didn't tell David to go away , he could have still been here , making me feel worse" I say as I moved my fingers above the picture

"You look alot like your mom" he whispered in my ear and I smiled , I loved the fact I look like her but everything would be better

We would probably be eating pizza or something and she could be braiding Josie's hair and giving me boy advice

I didn't notice I was crying till Luke wiped a tear from my cheek  then looks back to the street

"You know those things Joanna said we're out of jealousy, so don't bother about her" he said then wrapped an arm around my shoulder

"Your right , but can I ask you a question" he nodded

"Do I look like a slut" I said not knowing why I even asked that question

"Of course not , you're a kind hearted girl with a great personality , and you always make people around you happy without bothering about yourself" I was flattered at the words but the last phrase made me frown

"I believe if people around me are happy I'll be too " I remarked and he shook his head and motioned for us to walk into my room

I sat on my bed against the head board and Luke sat in front of me

"You know friends help each other out and I know you aren't happy even if you're smiling so please tell me what's wrong" he said then placed his hand on mine

"I don't even know where to start , this year has been the most  traumatizing , I and Dan have bad dreams , i fought Reece , David came into my life again and turned it upside down , I knocked out Joanna , I can't stop thinking about my mom and most of all my dad isn't here to help me out"

Luke nodded showing he was listening then asked "how did she die?"

"It was when my dad came out of a grocery shop with the three of us, and my mom surprised us cuz she went on a trip so as she was crossing the road a car came out of nowhere and ran over her right in front of our eyes" I looked up from my lap and Luke was shocked and I was crying

He moved beside me and pulled me close to him and wrapping his arms around me "sorry ,it's ok , you can cry" he said rubbing my back and I soaked his shirt with tears

We just stayed there not bothering about anything till I fell into deep darkness


I opened my eyes and adjusted to the sunlight coming into the room and tried to sit up but Luke's arm was around me

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