Chapter 17

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After stumbling all the way up the stairs we make it to one of the guest rooms "okay we're here ,let go of my hands so I can open the door" I said to luke who is resting on me

I twist the nob then I slipped and luke landed on me "Amy the bed is not comfy " he whined and I struggled to get out from under him

"Luke get off me , I'm not a bed!!" I yelled and he laughed then turn his face to look at mine  "luke I need you to get up , your heavy" I said and he finally got up and head to the bed

He laid down on the bed looking at me and honestly I couldn't be more confused , I looked at myself to see if anything is wrong

I looked back at him "is there anything on my face?" I asked and he looked away "no , I was just thinking"  he replies "ok , let me leave you to it" I said then turned around to walk out

"No , Amy please can you stay" he begs and his facial expression isn't strong as always he looks sadish but cute

I close the door and sit beside his head where he was lying  "Amy can I tell you something" he asks and I nod

He puts his head on my lap and I play with his hair "I love being alone but it's different when I'm with some people" he says looking at the ceiling

"That's interesting, you know we've been friends for a while and I don't know you that well , is there anything you would like to tell me" I know it's alot to ask but this is the best time

"I don't do friends and people but I can tell you a few things" he says and I feel a little pain in my chest but I shrug it off

"My favorite color is blue , I hate sappy love stories and I can sing at least that's what my mom says"

"Then why don't you sing normally" I ask tugging on his hair "I'm shy" he says and I just stay silent  till he speaks up

"Do manicures hurt " he picks up my hand and looks at my nails "no not really" I say and his eyes widen

"They are blue, my favorite" he says like a child and I laughed a little and he frowns and it looks so funny

I burst out laughing and he sits up and glares at me "ok I'm sorry" his face is still thesame "ok what do you want"

"A kiss" he says grinning

"Not happening "  I say and he sighs and looks around and speaks up "I'm bored"

"What am I meant to do about that" I say and lay down on the bed and close my eyes as I'm about to fall asleep I hear a loud blast of music

"Luke turn it off" he doesn't answer he drags me and he start swinging me from side to side I constantly trip over my feet but he catches me

"Luke stop I'm gonna trip for real this time" he keeps on doing what he was doing and like I said I tripped ,I tried to use luke as support , keyword tried

I hit the floor and luke landed on top of me laughing "I told you to stop" I said frustrated and he paused his laughter "and I didn't listen" he replies

And I'm really getting angry , the music is still blasting in my ears and it's disturbing

I roughly shove luke off me and shut the music off , then make my way to the door but luke grabs my wrist and I look at him

"I'm sorry please don't go" he says calmly and suddenly my anger disappears and I turn to face him "so...... What are we gonna do" I say to break the award silence

He walks back to the bed and lays on his back and pats the spot beside him then I walk over and sit beside him then he places his head on my lap

"I want to talk to you" he says acting a bit more serious than before "and why is that " I reply as I play with some strands of his hair loving the feeling

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