°Chapter 2° ~embarrassing~

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Y/n POV:

Today I was walking as usual to find something to do cause I was bored. I wore a pretty white skirt with a light yellow shirt that had a small water bottle picture in it and a white pair of sneakers. I was lowkey hoping I would bump into Yukc0 I don't wanna sound like a creep or anything but I do miss him. He had those green shining eyes that I would give my kidneys for just to stare at them. I walked to the bar even though I don't drink but I was hoping I would "accidentally" run into him but.. no one was there. I sighed then went to get a taco cause I felt a little hungry from all this walking and thinking.

When I arrived there to my surprise I saw him! He looked so handsome with his green emerald eyes that were glaring at G0Z. G0Z was laughing at a joke he made and as usual Yukco probably didn't find it funny. he was holding a Wendy's cheeseburger and G0Z was eating a taco and complimenting the taco saying how delicious it tasted and how pretty it smelled. I didn't realise that I was staring the whole time until I felt his dark green eyes stare at me in confusion but a little anger I panicked and pretended I was talking in the phone with someone and quickly looked away nervously I saw a little glimpse of Yukc0 rolling his eyes like he knew I wasn't talking in the phone and the thought of it made me panic even more so I started walking away nervously without even looking forward to where I was going, just lost in my thoughts about what Yukc0 was thinking I was pretty sure he thought I'm a creep. I bumped into a wall I lost my attention and didn't even realise i walked straight into a wall. Great now everyone was looking at me, some were worried and some were laughing i quickly got up and started walking so fast almost running until I tripped on my shoes. Now everyone was definitely laughing at this point. I tilted my head a little just to make sure Yukc0 didn't see me but sadly, he already saw it all. he was facepalm"ing" himself and looked at me in a little worried but annoyed face. I have never been more embarrassed in my life it felt like a stingy feeling. he probably thought I was a creepy clumsy idiot that had no brain and walked into walls. I got up this time and collected myself. I walked properly with my head a little high like nothing happened. maybe it will make the situation less shitty for me. I even had forgotten I was even hungry in the first place.

2 hours later...

I was sitting in a bench minding my own business, enjoying the beautiful air with my hair flying in the way. I felt peaceful and forgot about the incident that happened in the morning. It was getting a little dark, I liked the view it was pretty. I was enjoying myself that I didn't even realise there was a tall figure standing in front of me. i flinched in surprise but at the same time was curious a little to who it was then i realized it was him.

It was Yukc0 I was confused why was he here? He was glaring at me I felt like he was shooting a laser through my head. I raised my eyebrow in confusion then moved a little so he could sit down next to me. He stood there for a couple of seconds then sat down next to me. I felt a little flattered but nervous to why -from all the people and places in the circus- he would just sit with me I was cut out of my thoughts when he said: " why were you staring at me and G0Z" I sat there speechless not knowing what I should tell him he then said "why'd you also pretended that you were talking in the phone when you clearly were not" I felt the blush on my face getting more intense, I then answered his questions while turning away from him facing the other way so he won't see my red face "I- I  was trying to- to get a taco then I realized I wanted a milk- milkshake and I was on the phone I- I wasn't pretending!" He looked at me with his eyes getting bigger like he was more curious now, then said "then why did you get nervous when I looked at you and started running away"

now he started to lean closer to me which made my heart thump fast. I felt like it would fly out of my chest. "I just remembered that- that I had forgotten my- my... my jacket!" I said now looking into his face. He nodded and said "but the weather isn't cold today" I replied "well it was cold to me". He answered "well then why are you wearing a skirt if it was cold?" I sat there in silence not knowing what I should say, why was he asking so many questions like he's investigating me. a little irritated i said "i really dont think  its your job to ask about my business, you have a lot of free time"
he got a little confused at my defensive behavior, but for a second a saw him smirk then went back to his grumpy face.
"Well if you wanted to stare at me next time take a picture, insteadof acting like a baby" he said and got up walking away.

my jaw dropped from the shock. I was probably neon red, I was frozen at what he had said. Also did he really call me a Baby. I didn't know what to make out of this. Was he teasing me? or trying to flirt or make fun of me? why did he say that? Did he think that I liked him? Did he think I always stared at him? Did he KNOW whenever I stared at him? Did he literally mean that I should bring a camera with me or was he being sarcastic? What if I don't bring a camera with me? Would he be disappointed? Or would he laugh at me? I had so many questions I felt like an idiot. he just left me with that sentence and walked away like nothing happened. now what do I make out of this? I mean I didn't really hate the attention that i got from him. Oh god how can a human do that to me! I shook my head and went to rest.
When I went to sleep I only had one thought in my mind.

        "Does he feel the same way?"

1150 words :].

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