°chapter 6° ~unexpected~

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3rd POV.

It was in the middle of night, y/n cried herself to sleep. she heard weird noises she couldn't make out what it was since she was dreaming but the noises were real. the noise started getting louder. it was someone knocking on the door.
she woke up and realized the situation.
she was scared but pushed herself to the living room to see who was knocking.
she went to the window but didnt know who it was because it was very dark.
she gave up and just opened the door slowly, praying it was someone she knew and nothing dangerous.
she said: "who is it, what do you want in the middle of the night?"
no response.
the figure seemed taller than hair but leaned closer to her. she got scared and took a step backwards, whispering the words "what the fu-" finally the tall figure came inside and it was...


she was confused to why he was here in the middle of the night. he slowly took a step forward, standing right in0 front of her, they were both so close to each other, he slowly leaned in to her face whispered something in her ear...
'a hill? at 9 P.M.?? what does he want?' she thought to herself, but her thoughts cut off when she saw yukco step out of the door, she was too shocked to say anything and just stood there, yukco looked back at her one more time and walked off, disappearing in the dark.
she quicklu stopped zoning out and closed the door, plopping on her couch. she knew what yukco was gonna do, he probably was gonna make a fool of her in front of everyone or drink his beer and make her watch or something bad probably, because why would he just leave her all alone when she told him everything about how she feels! a dick move if u ask me.
she started tearing up again but stopped and thought to herself, 'of course he wouldn't date a weak girl who just cries at everything like me i should man up and suck up my tears, thats the least i can do plus its his loss.'
with that she fell asleep, with sadness swarming her, again.

~8AM~ y/n pov:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing in the other room, gosh its so loud. i still feel tired today, maybe i should take a break today, well im leaving the town soon, maybe today cause i can't take it.
a nap wouldn't hurt right now. but i should tell Goz that im absent today. i get up and go to my room to get my phone, and call Goz.

"oh hello y/n! whats the matter?"

"nothing really, i just feel ill and i think i need a break from work today, is that ok?"

"of course darling! im so sorry for that! take your time and call me if you need anything!"

"awwh! thank you so much Goz you're literally the besttt!"

"hehe no probs! i gotta go talk to u later"


i hang up the phone and head back to sleep again.

~11 am~

i wake up, feeling a headache from sleeping too much, and get to wash my face. i feel a bit depressed and not wanting to change mu clothes or take a shower, but i push that urge and head to the shower, after finishing i pick a casual outfit, not too extra.
i brush my hair and eat a gum. ( bungee gum if u get the preference :} )
i think to myself if i should go to where yukco told me yesterday, i hesitate but uts wirh giving a shot. but if it was in the purpose of humiliating me,then i wont allow that. i know my worth too.
i get out of the house, wanting to get some fresh air and be alone. i arrive at a small lake with some rocks and flowers in the green grass. perfect spot.
i open my phone to listen to the music i like, when i see a 34 missing calls from Kirsten. oh god. I'll answer her later, im not in the mood to talk to anyone right now...
i put on the music and lean my head and back against a tree that was near me.
i felt so peaceful and good despite what happened yesterday. but i still thought of him from time to time, i saw a couple of clowns walking by, staring at me and whispering something then giggling. i looked at them in confusion. they just smiled at me and walked away. i was confused but brushed it off.
it happened 3 times already what is going on?!? next thing i saw a little girl walking and staring at me and giggling, this time i got up and asked her whats going on? she refused to say anything and just kept smiling then ran away. i got irritated and and walked back to the circus feeling mad and huffing to myself. this time when i got back everyone was completely staring at me and whispering stuff to each other. i was angry at this point so i yelled "what is it?! did i do something?? why is everyone looking at me and giggling what is it??" they all just smiled and kept staring i got pissed and went to the food court, getting some ramen cause i was hungry. i looked at my phone and it was alread 2 pm. hmm what should i do in the remaining time till i see what yukco wanted? huh! i shouldn't even care about him why am i thinking about him pfft. i get up after finishing my food and walk back home to watch something entertaining. i choose to watch anime (pick any anime u like).

Yukc0 x Reader~!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ