°chapter 4° ~driving me crazy~

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I was walking in the sidewalk, ready to go home after all that happened, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings due to the fact that I was daydreaming about this special someone, yup you guessed it. It was yukco. His name made me shiver. God he's too good to be true.


As I was walking I felt a hand grab my arm so fast that I wasn't even able to react in time! I couldn't see anything, it was too dark.
I was scared to death. Was this the last day of my life? Is this how I'm gonna die? Was the person who snatched me that guy who tried to date me and touch me against my will? What was happening? Please lord help me!
All of a sudden I smelled a familiar smell. It was the same as the one I smelt when I was close to him at the party.

C-could it be him?

I thought, not until I heard his voice. It was very calm and soothing which is very irregular coming from yukco "don't panic it's me idiot, I wanna talk to you." He said while shutting me up by closing my mouth with his hand and pinning me into a wall.
I was frozen but at the same time excited y'know?
But yet again I questioned myself why was he doing this? I thought he left the party mad at me for some reason. But I had to ask him anyway. A little scared I opened my mouth to ask a little shaking, but I was interrupted by him pulling my arm somewhere, I can't tell where we're going since it was pitch black. Still he was pulling me somewhere then I saw a light. It was...

A Restaurant?!

Once we entered it looked fancy like it was a place for rich people that's what it looked like but as far as I know neither me nor yukco were rich. We barely managed living, I mean we weren't completely POOR poor.. but still we had to think before we buy something, or I had to think before I buy something, since yukco kept buying alcohol which by the way pissed me off a lot! Speaking of alcohol we sat down in a stool where we had a bunch of different kinds of alcohol. It smelled bad. Terrible so to speak.
We both sat down, me panting and breathing heavily while putting a hand on my chest and the other on my lap. While yukco was glaring at the bartender for some reason then told him he wanted a beer shouting at him being the typical yukco he is. But why did he drag me here though? I collect myself fast while encouraging myself to ask him the question, after I was confident enough I opened my mouth and said: "w-why a-re we- we here?" He glared at me, but the glare was a little less intense from his other glares. But still it was a glare. I gulped "o- ok i-if if- yo- you d-don't wan- want to- tell m- me th- then e-explain w-wh why d-did y-you dr-drag me h- here? Y-you kn-know I I- I don't dr-drink n-nor that I ask-asked to be- be in a- a re-restaurant-" "Shut it dumbass, dont you dare question me" he growled.
I nod intensely until I feel my head dizzy. The tall one glared and rolled his eyes.
I started playing with my hair making small braids not knowing a single thing happening like I'm a newborn baby.
I was kind've pissed like why did I have to be dragged here just to watch a grumpy alcoholic drink his beer while shooting glares at guys who looked at us while also having to smell the awful smell from all the alcohol, it looked like it was a bar not a restaurant. Hmm maybe it's a fancy bar. 'I'm so bored' I thought to myself. 'maybe I should start a conversation to make the awkwardness go away' "h-hey yukco" I said. He looked at me and furrowed his brow making me slightly more nervous. "S-so um- yeah can I- please know the- the reason why I'm- I'm n-not at home sleeping in-instead I'm here w-watching y-you dr-drink?" I looked at him giving him a -pleading for an answer- look.
He rolled his eyes while playing with the beer bottle, I noticed he hadn't drank a lot only a few sips which was able to make him not lose his cool. "do you know him" he said. Now I looked at him in confusion, what? What was he talking about? "W-who?" I looked in confusion he held his hand in a fist and slammed it with a annoyed look in his face. "UGH JEEZ HOW CAN SOMEONE BE THIS NAIVE? ITS THE GUY THAT WAS FLIRTING WITH YOU" he shouted some people turned their heads to look at us with a weird/disgusted faces. I felt the tears getting ready to roll down my cheeks.
I didn't like when someone screamed at me at all. It reminded me of bad memories, yet he still does it all the time! And how am I naive, like I was supposed to know who the "guy" he's talking about referred to!
I looked away from him cause I felt the tears now falling down. I was beyond uncomfortable. I was in a place with weird fancy people giving me looks and some strangers eyeing my dress with a grumpy guy yelling at me, beer in his hand.
I could be watching anime now and chilling while eating my yummy noodles in my cozy pj's and comfy bed with the white sheets and my warm blanket.
I felt my heart beat fast when I heard a voice behind me say, "I- listen I'm sorry for yelling at you but you know I can't help it I can't help the fact that a random brainless Shit was flirting with you and giving you looks and names so freely like he's your daddy or something" I swiped my head looking at him in embarrassment and quickly cover my face and say "its- it's alright!! just- just p-please don't y-yell at- at me I g-get scared ea-easily... I- I don't kn-know who that- that guy was- I was scared too."
Now he looked me in the eyes, he was staring. There was this awkward silence between us.
I cleared my throat, he looked away fast then growled in a low voice. After a minute or Two he started talking, "I brought you here because, I thought you looked a little- um.. worried I guess? and a bit frightened so I thought you would be calmer if I brought you here." He said while avoiding eye contact with me. I mean I dont know how he thought me being here with him drinking alcohol is going to calm me down? In the end I'm talking about yukco here, that's probably his way of being nice!
Awwh he's showing me his soft side. He probably trusts me a lot I'm so lucky! he's so adorable!
I didn't notice that I was smiling wide like a crazy maniac I snapped out of my sweet thought when he said "what're you smiling at kid" ONG HE NOTICED HOW EMBARRASSING!!
I quickly replied, "EH- I- I'M- ITS N-NOTHING HAHA! HOW'S THE WEATHER ANYWAYS?" I said looking away in different directions and waving my hands crazy in the air like a weirdo, my face was neon red from my ear to my neck!
There was silence a little and I peeked back to see his reaction. He was giving me a confused look while drinking a little from his beer.
"Y-yukco can-can we go- t-to a-another p-pl- place, please?" I said giving him a "puppy eyes" face, pleading him. He gave me an angry look but I can swear I saw a little pink in his cheeks. He said fine and looked away trying to hide his blush. I jumped happily "yaay! I was getting scared from this place.." he held my hand and the other had his beer in it. He paid for the beer quick and we got out.
We were walking. The air was nice!
At first it was silence so I decied to break the silence by starting a convo. "Sooo are you a cat-perosn or a dog-person? I'm totally~ a cat-perosn! Dont you think cats are cute! They're so adorable." He looked at me in a glare with a "pfft" I brushed it off and replied with, "c-can I tell you a secret?"  He looked at me with a furrowed brow expression and a curious look for a split second and turned his head away.
"I'm very scared of dogs! They're scary aren't they? They can bite you any second and make you bleed. Awwh I'd be awfully frightened if that happened to me! But the good side of them is that they're so loyal that's so amazing I like loya-" "shut up will you? Jeez you talk a lot" he cut me off.
I was kind've offended why did he say that? I was just trying to make a convo! I looked at the moon trying to avoid yukco's eyes to not seem like I was hurt by him. In the end he's yukco, I'm already used to him being like that. It actually was kind've attractive. Wait am I weird for thinking he's attractive for being rude and grumpy? But I'm never grumpy nor rude! Sometimes I really don't understand myself hmm. But the moon looks so good it's shining. It reminded me of a song called "blue moon" I remember seeing yukco play it when he was alone in the dark, on a hill. He was laying in the grass, the air was nice, the stars where everywhere like sprinkles and the moon was in the middle shining. The view looked like a masterpiece, especially yukco he seemed peaceful, which is very unusual of him since he's always acting like a TNT or something.
I remember standing behind a tree, I probably looked like a creep stalking him, but I couldn't help it I was smiling happy at the moment. I'll always remember it.
We arrived at my home.

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