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Severus asked king Lucius where the elemental forest was. He tried to sound brave,but deep down he was trembling with fear.

King Lucius said it was 15 miles west from the castle.

Before Severus could go,king Lucius told him to take some of his best men to help him complete the tasks.

Severus took three men and left. Once they reached the elemental forest, a huge cloud of red dust passed over them. Two of the kings best men were turned into stone.

Medusa... Severus thought to himself. He told the last knight that he has heard of a beast that can turn people to stone.

The knights eyes widened... Severus told him that the creature is a Gorgon,and if you look into their eyes you will turn to stone.

The trees were shaking and falling. The Knight started to panic, he was swinging his sword around like a madman.

He chopped three snakes from the gorgons head,which made her very angry.

She threw a tree trunk at Severus... Then she focused on the Knight. She grabbed him and let the snakes on her head open his eyes...and he turned to stone.

The elemental forest got its name due to the fact that all the elements ran wild.

So Severus used that to his advantage. He splashed water from the river into the air,and the water instantly froze in the air forming crystals due to the cold wind.

The gorgon looked at the crystals and turned to stone.

He collected the Titanium sword of souls...

Severus Hero Of AriaWhere stories live. Discover now