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Today might even be a good day. Mom actually made real breakfast which was a pleasant surprise. Ever since dad left, she'd barely eat anything throughout the day. 
"Good morning, sweety," She kissed me. "let's eat." 
I couldn't say anything, i just smiled at her. 

"How is school going?" she asked.
"It's going great." i decided not to ruin her mood by telling her about what's been going on lately. She doesn't need to know anyways.
"I'm glad. How are you doing? We haven't really talked normally in a while.." she looked at her food.

"Oh, mom. Don't worry about it. I'm good, really. And anyways, i don't want to talk about that." 

"Okay.." she bit her lip. "I just want things to get back to normal. At least between you and i. We used to have so much fun together and i think i let your dad ruin it. It shouldn't be that way.." she choked out. 

"Nothing is ruined, mom. It's just changed.. i'm gonna be late for school" i got up, before she could see my eyes welling up. "thanks for the food." i took my backpack and rushed out of the house. I walked to school with my headphones in, trying to think happy thoughts, because i don't want to be sad around my friends. 

"Hey girls" i said when i saw my friends.


Eva disappeared on me after the third period, telling me she'll be back in ten. I sat behind my desk and waited for her to come back before the next period started. 

"Ida, hey,"
I looked behind me and saw a tall blonde behind me.

"Brianna" i said, surprised she knew my name. Brianna was kind of popular. She was still a first grade, but she always bragged about how she hung out with the penetrators and how they befriended her. In my opinion , she probably slept with at least one of them for that to be true.

People would talk bad about her behind her back, because of that. But i didn't hold that against her. Heck, if the penetrators can sleep with the whole school and not be called out for that, than i'm not about to judge a Brianna for sleeping with who she wants. I just found it annoying how she always bragged, that's it.

"So, i saw you're hanging out with the Penetrators now." she smiled. A few of her friend behind her awaited my response as eagerly as her.
"What? No, no way" i shook my head.
"Oh come on. Everyone saw you talking to William and then Chris!" she giggled forcefully.
 "We just have a mutual friend so we talked. Once." i put an emphasis on once.

Just then someone poked their head into out classroom and said "Ida?"
I turned around wide eyed when i saw Chris making eye contact with me.

"I have no idea what this is about.." i told Brianna before getting up. My arms were crossed when i walked out of the classroom. I bit my lip when he stood in front of me. I wasn't mad. There were no hard feelings. He was just demeaning and scary in my eyes, and i didn't like his company.

"Hey." he took a step closer, causing me to back up into the wall behind me, hitting my head.

"Shit" i hissed, rubbing the back of my head. He started laughing and i turned around wanting to go back in the classroom. But he grabbed my wrist, stopping me in my tracks. 

"You have got to stop doing that." i said seriously.

"I will. If you accept my apology." 

I couldn't stop my mouth from gaping open. Not before long i burst out laughing.
"If this is about the other day, you don't have to say sorry."

"I don't?" he said.

I shook my head.

"Then why did you skip yesterday?"

"I had some stuff, i guess. I'm over it . No hard feelings."

"Sweet," he smiled, licking his lips.

"Can you please stop following me around, though? Brianna will want to kill me if you continue talking to me." i chuckle.

I realized he has no clue of who i'm talking about.

"Just stop. Thanks? We cleared the air, now let me get back to my life, and you get back to yours." i poked his chest with my finger, and he was surprised by the gesture.

"Don't-.." he shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"What? I need you to stop Chris."

"Just for once don't pull away from me." his lips pursed together as his eyes locked in with mine.

"Stop acting this way. Just be honest and tell me what do you want?"

He couldn't utter a word. Because i already knew the answer to my question, and this just proved me right.

"You gotta stop this." i turner around.

"I don't want to fuck you." 

"Excuse me?" i asked, my face turning completely red.

"I mean it's not like that, Ida. Not at all.." he ran his hand through his hair.

"Then tell me what this is about?" i ask.

"I just think you're a cool girl. And i'd like to be friends with you. That's all, i swear" he put his hand on his chest and gave me a convincing facial expression. I didn't know whether to be embarrassed, or honored by what he just said. But for some reason i didn't doubt it one bit.

"Well if that's true then... Thanks" i gave him a small smile. 

"We can hang out right?" He asks.

"I'll think about it.. see you around." i said before walking away.

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