|Red Beanie|

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         A/N: Thank you guys for your votes! It really cheers me up especially right now. I'm really busy with studying for college so updates will be shorter, sadly, but i'll try to post as often as i can.



Ida: I can't reach Eva all weekend

Noora: When did you last talk to her?

Ida: Friday. I haven't heard from her since.

Noora: That's weird. She just invited me to a party. I thought she told you too. 

Ida: Well, she didn't.. Can we meet up?
Ida: I have no idea what's going on with her.


Ida's POV

"Hey," i said unwrapping the scarf around my neck as i entered the coffee shop. 
"Hey girl," Noora gave me a hug. 

Noora and i made small talk before i made my order. But when my steamy cup of coffee made it's way onto the table, i was ready to sort things out.
"I'm really worried about Eva.." i sad between sips, "she's been obviously avoiding me for two days."

"I have no idea why she wouldn't call you to her party. She invited everyone. And she made such a big deal about it."

"Her party?" i asked.

"Her mom is out of town, so she decided to throw a party.. like, really randomly. I thought you already knew about it, since you two are like.. super best friends" 

I shook my head, my eyes locked on the mug of coffee. "I don't understand."

"When you guys last hung out, what did you talk about? " the blonde asked, drinking her tea.

"Just normal stuff. Life things." i swallowed hard, not willing to tell Noora about my family situation. "Chris has been bothering me lately. We were talking about that."

"Ohh...so it's a Chris situation" a smile immediately crept onto her face.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" i say

"That's surprising, since you two are really close. Look i don't want to start beef with her by saying what i'm about to say. But she should have told you herself. I guess something happened between her and Chris at the start of freshman year, i'm not sure what. But i'm pretty certain that Eva has feelings for this guy, still." 

My mouth dropped.

"And by what your telling me, it looks like he's taken an interest in you." 

"It's not that way at all, Noora, trust me. We hung out like once, and it was completely friendly."

"You don't need to justify yourself to me. Whatever it is, you need to take it up with Eva. Get her to talk. Show up at her party, make her listen to what you have to say."

"Fucking hell.." i mutter.

" Personally, i think it's complete bullshit if she's ignoring you because of Chris. But maybe i'm wrong. Anyways, i'll try to help."

"Coffee is on me." i say, making her smile.

"So, what is the deal with Chris anyways? You guys hang out now?"

"It's not like we hang out.. He was firstly really rude towards me. Then last Friday he kind of apologized. So I took his apology. I guess i was in a good mood that day, and i didn't want to have any trouble with him anyways. And then yesterday, i went to get some things photocopied school. On my way to the photocopier shop, i bumped into him and he kept me company, purely because he was bored and had nothing better to do ."

"Ahh, i see. Then what happened?"

"Don't take this the wrong way. Just don't" i scolded, pointing a finger at her. "We started talking about random stuff and he asked if i wanted to hang out at the park so we can sit down.." i started recounting what happened yesterday. It was especially cold, so he shoved his hands in the pockets of his big jacket. His red beanie was perfectly placed on top of his messy quiff, and i couldn't help but keep staring at the locks of hair that fell through the sides.

"Hey! Daydreamer. Continue the story.." Noora started laughing at me when i zoned out.

"Right, ahem-. So i gave him my number because we were actually having fun and he wanted to do it again sometime. He's a really nice person once you get to know him.. But please don't think it's something more than it is. It's just hanging out."

I took the phone out of my bag when i heard it buzz.

"It's him isn't it?" the blonde which sat across from me asked.
"It's no one.." i shrug, after seeing his name on my screen along with a text from him.
"Liar liar. Your shoulders always move when you lie. What does he want?" she lent in to see the text.


Chris: Heya. You goin to Eva's party tmrw?
Chris: i know you are. I can pick you up at 9ish.
Chris: :)?

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