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It's ma birthday!

Sorry my uploads are short as hecc atm. Your girl's gotta study. College stuff :'(Thanks for voting and reading <3. i'd love to hear some of your thoughts in the comments :). Seeing all of you liking my book really brightens my day, and i hope you have a nice one too.


I decided to go to Eva's party. 
After thinking it through, this is the best way to settle things. She'll be in a good mood to talk, and with any luck she might be a little tipsy and tell me everything on her mind, so we can finally make up. My decision might have been influenced by Chris begging me to go to the party with him. He said he'd be bored if i didn't come, and i know that's a lie. Being as popular as he is, he has friends everywhere. Nevertheless, tonight needs to be a success. 

I went with a simple black dress and pulled a light brown coat over it. I completed my little glam session by putting on lipstick, mascara, and curling some random strands of hair. My head is racing with thoughts of how things are gonna end up tonight. Is Eva gonna be okay with me showing up to her house, or is she gonna freak out?

My phone buzzed with two new messages from Chris, saying he's outside. 
I look out through the window and recognize his car, immediately feeling nervous.
Seeing his car made me feel annoyingly anxious.
It's just Chris. Calm down. It's just Chris fucking Schistad, Ida..

I said goodbye to my mom after grabbing my purse. As soon as i step outside i know this is gonna be awkward. I never put make up on for school so i start to feel embarrassed and self conscious, what if he thinks it's stupid?
When i reach his car, he opens the door from the inside.

His bright eyes shoot up at mine, the sight of him in a white button made me wince. 

"Are you gonna stand there looking all pretty, or do you wanna get in?" 
He smiled widely as he teased me.

"Quit smiling so damn much" i said as i tried to conceal my own grin. He rolled his eyes as he started the roaring engine. Awkward silence. I tried not to look at his focused features as he drove us, light music playing from the radio.
"Tonight is gonna be interesting.." i trailed.

"I think it's gonna be a boring night. Nothing against Eva, but she doesn't know how to throw a party." he ran his fingers through his messy hair, fixing it.

"Then why are you even going?" 

"Because you're going, stupid." he poked my stomach suddenly.

"Stop that! I didn't even plan on going before you texted me, anyway." blushing, i realized how flirty that came out. His lips arched on one side.

"I didn't mean it like that, i.. Eva didn't invite me." i choke out.

"That's hard to believe. She's your best friend, as far as i saw" the smile never leaving his face.

"She is. Except she's been ignoring me the past three days, and i have no idea why. I'm only going to her party so i can settle things with her."

"So is there gonna be a cat fight?" He asks.
"Of course not! Chris! She doesn't hate me, it's probably a misunderstanding anyways."

"If you say so. But i'm not gonna be the one pulling you two apart, if someone decides to throw a punch. Chick fights are super hot" he laughed.
I gave him a disgusted look, but before long i was laughing too. The sound of his laugh made me feel something that i hadn't felt when we last spent time with each other. Being next to him feels so relaxing yet nerve wrecking. It's hard to explain, but i found myself having to force my eyes to look away from him. 

"Why are you so quiet?" he asks as he pulls up in Eva's driveway. I couldn't help but smile at his question.
"I don't know. I feel different, tonight. Maybe it's because i'm coming to my best friends party to which i wasn't invited," i say making him chuckle. "I'm nervous."

"It's gonna be alright." he said.

"And how do you know that?" i ask.

"I don't know, for sure." he huffed, "But if you ask me.. whatever happens between you guys, you'll always be friends. When i see the two of you, i see a friendship that i dream about having. Something really... unbreakable. Yeah, that's the word," he laughed, " I don't know what'll happen tonight, but i have a good feeling."

I looked at him and uttered a weak thanks under my breath. I didn't expect him to ever say anything like that. But it eased my mind.

"Let's party," his devilish smile returned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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