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T 23/08/1994 18:47

„Hi, mum! I'm back from the store," I shouted at her from the corridor as I took my jean jacket off and threw it on the hanger. „They didn't have the milk you wanted, so I just bought some other kind, I hope you won't mind. I read some studies about these types of milk and they said that it should be better. Also, I forgot to buy cinnamon, but at the time I remembered and turned back to get it for you, the store was already closed. Is it okay, if I go buy it tomorrow?" I brought the two heavy bags to the kitchen. I thought that my mum would be there, but to my surprise, she was not. „Mum? Where are you? Is dad already home from work? Mum? Why aren't you answering me?!"

I started to look for her somewhere. I went through a few rooms before I stepped in front of the back room, which is my dad's office. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I knocked. I heard no sounds coming from the room. I reached my hand once again for the door handle. As I wanted to try again to open the hard-wooden door, the door suddenly opened. „Oh sorry honey, I didn't hear you come home. Silly me, sometimes I make the charms so strong, that I myself can't hear anything," she laughed nervously. „Charm?" I mumbled.

I then noticed a weird-looking wooden stick my mum is holding in her hand, but before I wanted to while being very confused, ask her about it, she was already telling me something. „We have guests, my dear, I should introduce you. Come in," she said, and politely invited me into the room. Two men were sitting on the brown leather sofa. They both were wearing elegant suits and long travel coats, nevertheless of the hot August weather. One of the two male in a dark purplish, almost blueish one with a dark brown, sleek hair and other one, Asian, with emerald-like green robe and short, army cut black hair. They were drinking tea, which my mother offered to them as anyone with good manners would. „Gentleman, let me please introduce to you my daughter."

They both stood up and shook my hand. „Honey, these lovely gentleman are from Ministry of Magic and they are here to talk to you," she said carefully to me. „Ministry of Magic?" I laughed, „Like from the books about that wizard boy?" I wanted to continue laughing, but I stopped as I noticed that all of them had dead serious face expression. I turned to my mum: „Mum, what is happening?" But she said nothing to me, she just turned to the two scary-looking men and asked them if she can leave or if she has to stay. The one in green answered that, „They have it handled" and my mum left.

I felt scared for my life, because I didn't know what was happening. As a child I read the books about a little boy called Harry Potter, whose parents were killed by a dark wizard called Voldemort. He attended a school for people like him, wizards, and it was a nice story. I enjoyed it as a child. But I would've never thought that it is real. Because it is not, it's whole nonsense. It was a book written for kids, nothing more. There isn't such a thing as magic, there just can't be.

I sat there in an armchair in front of the two men. „Victoria Cooper?" the one in blue asked me. „Yes." „You're a witch, Mrs. Cooper." I hesitantly laughed at him: „No, I'm not." He looked at me confused. I said, still thinking that this is some kind of joke: „Of course I'm not. I can't be, it wouldn't make sense. Shouldn't I get a letter when I was 11?" I laughed at just a thought of that. Man in green now spoke to me: „If you were a normal child, you would've. But in your case, Mrs. Cooper, things are different. As the child of two of The Twelve, you had to be protected from The Wizarding World. But now, the time has come and you need to go to Hogwarts. You and five of the others."

I looked at him, even more confused then, I was before: „What is The Twelve? What are you talking about? And who are the five others? What is happening?" My voice was raising as I was becoming more and more frustrated. „The Twelve. Twelve wizards, those were trained to help and fight among the bad. Six men and six women. The two of them you might also know as, your parents." My jaw dropped. „My parents? My mum and my dad? ARE WIZARDS?" „They are the protectors." „So I am a witch? If all of it is the truth, then how come I never lightened anyone on fire? Why things just don't levitate around me, whenever I think of?" „Because you need to learn how," the blue man spoke to me this time.

„And who are the other five?" „You know them. We never had to separate the six of you from each other. It wasn't necessary. So more likely I should've introduced them as your friends: Kristin Smith, Cornelia Allen, Natalie Oltman, Laura Schreave and Samuel Coats." „All of them- All of them are wizards?" „Yes." „And do they know?" „No."

I silenced. I was out of words. I didn't even know what to think. I always know what to think. My mind never lets me down. But it did that time. Just the thought of the people I love, telling me lies my whole life, stealing a part of me, was unbearable. After a while of not saying anything, the men understood I wasn't ready for words. „We have to leave now. Go to your mother and talk about education and school supplies for Hogwarts with her. She will know everything you need to ask. Now, if you excuse us."

„Wait,"I looked at them, with my eyes tearing up, „What if I don't want to go to Hogwarts?" „You have to." And with that they turned their backs at me and left.My mum came to the room. She sat next to me and put her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her, with now my eyes full of tears: „Mum. Is this real?"

Is this real?!   //Fed Weasley// DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now