4. We Are People Now

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The next day Midoriya walked into the classroom only to find that he was the first one there, besides Iida, in his seat at the back. It was strange having the room be so quiet, even if he had only been there a day. His father wasn't home, he was just eager to get back to school (something he never thought he'd think, ever).

"Iida! You're here early!" Midoriya said, a real smile spread across his face as he waved to his friend. Iida waved back, a smile on his face as well.

"So are you!"

"What can I say, the nerd lifestyle really kicked me in the butt."

"I hear you loud and clear." They both chuckled lightly before Iida saw the notebook in Midoriya's hand. "Wow, is that an All Might notebook? I love All Might!"

"I do too! He's an amazing actor, and my idol!" Midoriya rushed over to Iida to show him the notebook close up, and Iida took it, and marveled at the cartoon take of the actor.

"Do you want to be an actor when you grow up?" He asked, flipping through a few of the pages, gasping at the extensive notes.

"No, actually I want to become a firefighter, be at least one person's hero... You're not weirded out by the notes?"

"A firefighter is an admirable job, and no, I don't find this weird. Such detailed notes... You must have an analysis superpower or something!" Iida continued reading the notes, so didn't notice as Midoriya paled a little at the comment.

"A-Ahaha, funny... I'm no super human, my IQ is about normal." He said, lying through his teeth.

Iida handed him back the notebook, not noticing, or at least bringing up his strange shift in behaviour. "Would you like to have lunch together today? I noticed you weren't in the lunchroom yesterday."

Midoriya sighed, happy for the subject change before perking up. "I'd love that! Sorry I didn't join you, I ate alone in here. I used to eat alone all the time in middle school."

"Well that won't do! Come and sit with me, and I'm sure Uraraka will also sit with us if we ask her." Midoriya felt a warm feeling bloom in his chest at Iida's words. Hope.

"Thanks Iida." He gave a small, meaningful smile, looking the other in the eyes.

The moment was broken, however, when the door slid open again. Todoroki walked into the room, as stoic as he was yesterday, looked over at the pair, then went straight to his desk and sat down.

Midoriya said his goodbye's to Iida then went and sat in his own chair, scribbling down a few notes before putting the notebook away. He pulled out a normal book about cave people that had become a musical a few years earlier. When more students started walking into the room, he closed the book and got out the equipment that he would need for his first lesson.

Everyone got in on time, the boy with bright blond hair, Kaminari, entering last. Aizawa arrived the same way he had yesterday, lying on the floor in his yellow sleeping bag, and set them off on their first task of the day, before promptly falling back to sleep.

Once people started to realise that Aizawa had actually fallen asleep, they started talking to each other, beginning with whispers, and then gradually raising it to a normal volume. Iida indignantly tried to make everyone be quiet again, but the moment Aizawa's eyes had closed it was too late.

The main perpetrator was a boy with spiky red hair, Kirishima. He seemed very friendly, striking up conversation easily. Kaminari and himself seemed to be good friends already, although they had only met yesterday, and Midoriya doubted it was good to have the two boys sit so close to one another.

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