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Amora sat in the Godswood thinking. The young woman had visited Bran and Catelyn prior to her coming to the Godswood and something in the whole situation seems strange to her. It's almost as if wherever the Lannister's went trouble had to follow and it didn't sit well with Amora that Bran was in a coma while Cersei and her family were on their way back to King's Landing. Amora knew they had a hand in this and if she is correct she is pretty sure Bran saw something he shouldn't have.

Night began to fall and the young Baratheon beauty began making her way back to the castle when she heard footsteps approaching. Amora immediately went for the dagger in her sleeve, putting her guard up.

"Amora." The familiar voice of Robb Stark called out. Amora quickly put the blade back in its hidden spot.

"Yes Robb, I'm here." Amora called out. Little did Amora know, the footsteps were not those of Robb Stark but those of an assassin sent to kill her and Bran Stark.

Amora accompanied Robb to Bran's chambers. The two made idle chat as they walked to the chambers where they could hear the Stark mother.

"I don't care about appointments!" Amora could hear the hurt and annoyance in lady Catelyn's voice.

Robb Stark: "I'll make the appointments. We'll talk about it first thing in the morning." Robb intervened in the conversation. Amora smiled softly at the authority Robb took.

"Very good, my Lord. My Lady. Your grace." Maester Luwin took a bow and left the room

"When was the last time you left this room?" Robb questioned concerned for his mother.

"I have to take care of him."

"He's not going to die, mother. Maester Luwin says the most dangerous time has passed." Robb tried to to reason with his mother

"What if he's wrong? Bran needs me." Catelyn sniffled.

"Rickon needs you. He's six. He doesn't know what's happening. He follows Amora around all day, clutching her leg, crying!" Robb's voice began to raise.

The howling of the dire wolves sounded in the background and even for Amora rhw sound started to become irritaring but it seems as if Catelyn read her mind.

"Close the windows! I can't stand it! Please make them stop!" The irritated mother shouted. Robb went for the window but stopped as he noticed a fire in the distance.

"Fire. You two stay here. I'll come back." Robb made a mad dash out of the room.

Amora stood in an awkward silence along with Catelyn at the window of the chamber.

"I wonder how that started." Amora looked to Catelyn but a reflection in the glass caught her eye. Both women turned to face a hooded figure standing in the room.

"You're not supposed to be here, no ones supposed to be here. It's a mercy, he's dead already and I almost had you in the Godswood, but I guess it's two birds one blade." The assassin pulled out the large Valyrian steel dagger.

Catelyn Stark was the first to lunge at the assassin only worried about defending her son. Amora stood froze for a moment, all of her training had prepared her for a moment like this but the young Baratheon never thought she would ever have to actually fight. Catelyn struggled for a moment with the masked assassin.

"A- Amoraaa!" Catelyn struggled to call out to the Baratheon.

"Ours is the fury"

The voice rang in her head and immediately Amora sprung into action. The hooded assassin threw Catelyn to the ground causing her to bang her head violently into the floor.

Amora charged the hooded man landing a punch to his nose a cracking noise could be heard throughout the room.

"You little bitch" the man spat through gritted teeth. The assassin kneed the young woman in the stomach causing her to fall to the ground clutching. The assassin went to stab the grounded woman but Amora quickly moved her hand in the way of the blade causing the blade to go straight through her palm and out the other side.

"Ours is the fury"

Fueled by adrenaline the Baratheon woman quickly snatched her hand from the blade and began to land punch after punch to the assassins face. Using her heel the young woman stepped on his foot cracking it underneath her own boot.

The fight began to intensify. Amora freed her dagger and the two began to slash at each other.

The killed landed a quick punch to Amora's forehead causing the woman to become dizzy in her dizzy state the killer picked her up and threw her into the wall, and began to make his way towards Bran, in his mind he regretted accepting the deal, he never got a warning about the Baratheon girl being as strong as she is.

"Ours is the fury"

Amora jumps from her position onto the back of the assassin and sinks her teeth into his neck biting out a sizable chunk causing the man to scream out in agony.

Amora quickly slams the man to the floor grabbing her lost dagger and began stabbing the assassin repeatedly in the face killing him instantly.

Amora stood from her position over the man.

Catelyn Stark stood by Bran's bedside looking at the the woman with astonishment in her eyes.

"By the gods thank you." Catelyn embraced the young girl and the two began to sob both tired and wounded from the fight.

"Let's get you to the maester" Catelyn rushed to carry the tired woman.

In time, a war began to brew between the north and the south

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In time, a war began to brew between the north and the south. Catelyn Stark has captured Tyrion Lannister, Ned Stark has clashed with the Lannister's and King Robert has died at the hands of none other than Diana Lannister the Devil of Castely Rock.

Amora sat in her chambers screaming and crying at the loss of her brother. Robert was like a father figure to her and now she was left with a cold and crazed Stannis and a incompetent Renly.

Amora knew she would have to take matters into her own hand but to there would be no way for her to do so for she was just a woman and a soon to be wife. Robb Stark has been summoned to King's Landing to bend the knee to Joffrey Baratheon but instead the young wolf gathers his bannerman to ride out for war.

While in King's Landing Ned Stark has faced off with the Lannister's and now sits imprisoned waiting for the inevitable trial.

Amora Baratheon was now stuck in a war that could lead to her demise all for the sake of Robert and for the love she began to grow for Robb Stark.

Amora would not let the Lannister's sit on the throne any longer. The young Baratheon girl was determined to destroy them all and take the throne for herself and now she would have to apply herself but for a woman a task like that would be hard with all the men rising to power.

Robert took the throne from the Targaryen's and now Amora is determined to snatch the Lannister's from the throne and rip them out of their ancestral home as well.

"Ours is the fury!"

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