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Mara sat in her tent staring into the small fire that burned in her hearth

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Mara sat in her tent staring into the small fire that burned in her hearth. The woman whispered to one of the three Gods she worshipped. Bakkalon the Pale Child a good worshipped by many soldiers and assassins. This particular God was depicted as a pale child with a sword and was also called Bakkalon of the Sword.

Mara prayed to her God to guide Amora on the battle fields. The mysterious woman began to see visions only to be interrupted by the presence of the Stark mother.

"Don't take offense but I never knew a whore could hold such power as she spoke." Catelyn stark eyed the woman who sat with her back to her having heard the woman whispering to herself.

"I've heard worse the word whore could never offend me." Mara chuckled and stood from her spot heading to the table where her wine was located.

"Speak what's on your mind Lady Stark." Mara ordered.

"What are you and Amora up to! My son loves that girl and I have a feeling he will end up hurt in the end." Catelyn Stark nearly yelled at the woman.

"I can assure you I do not wish to harm your son. I only wish to defend Amora and lead her to victory and since your son loves her and she him, I wish to see him succeed as well." Mara smiled.

"For some reason I don't trust you. We know nothing of your origin. Where are you even from?" Catelyn demanded the woman tell her.

"I'm from Asshai. I may not sound like it but I am." Mara took her place back in the seat by the fire.

"You must be some sort of witch?" Catelyn questioned.

"Some may call me that but I can assure you I don't have any ill intentions." Mara reassured.

"As long as you keep your distance from my son. We won't have any problems. Lady Mara." Catelyn turned to leave but Mara called to her.

"Catelyn Stark from house Tully. Let me make something very clear to you. I've lived long enough to see mothers defend their children and I don't mind it, but what you will not do is, talk to me as if you are above me."

The fire in the hearth grew causing the Stark mother's eyes to widen.

"Catelyn I am your ally and I will use my gifts to ensure the north becomes independent and I need you to bare with me. What I don't need is for us to become enemies because I've never lost against anyone." Mara smiled at the Stark mother.

Catelyn stark practically ran from the tent.

Mara sat by the fire going back to her meditative state.

"Lose to gain."

"Stannis has a red priestess and her warrior from Asshai both are shadow binders"

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