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Amora and Mara followed behind Catelyn Stark and Brienne of Tarth

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Amora and Mara followed behind Catelyn Stark and Brienne of Tarth.

Amora immediately stopped in her tracks, not believing what she was looking at. Robb Stark talking and smiling with another woman.

"Mara." Amora grabbed her hand squeezing it hard.

"Amora. My hand isn't talking to the woman. Robb is!" Mara snatches her hand away.

Catelyn was the first to greet her son for Amora and Mara had slowed their walk behind her.

"Mother. Mother, this is Lady Talisa. She's been helping with the wounded. She's been very... helpful." Robb excitedly spoke to his mother.

"Lady Talisa."

"Lady Stark."

"Lady Talisa...?" Amora interjected.

"Maegyr." Talisa made eye contact with Amora her striking blue eyes staring daggers at her.

"Maegyr? Forgive me, I do not know this name."

"An uncommon name here. An old nam-" Talisa was interrupted by Mara.

"An old name in Volantis." Mara smirked.

"Yes my lady." Talisa broke eye contact and began to stare at the ground.

"Excuse me your grace." Talisa left the group with her head down.

While Amora's eyes were trained on the battle nurse, Mara's eyes were trained on Robb and the woman watched as he watched Talisa.

Robb turned to face Amora smiling brightly at his wife.

"I've missed you my love." Robb embraced her.

"I've missed you too, I'm tired from the ride. I will see you in the tent." Amora left Robb and Catelyn to talk.

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