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Ever since I was a little girl I was told stories about werewolves, men who could shift into a wolf at will. No longer were they just a myth or legend. Now they were historic fact, printed in every history textbook and taught in every school.

History says that a great plague spread throughout the world, deadlier than Black Plague. Those who were infected died within days. The werewolves were the only ones immune to the disease and when it finally ended there were more werewolves alive than humans. George Ashton, a powerful werewolf, seized the opportunity to rally the wolves and announce to the world of their existence. He made himself king over both humans and werewolves. Many humans were run underground from fear of the werewolves' rule. Over a century past when George's grandson became king. By this point, the human population had grown and they decided to rise up against the wolves and their oppression. And so began the great human werewolf war.

The war lasted many years until the King's son took the throne and decided instead to split the land between humans and werewolves. My mother and father came into power then, becoming the King and Queen over the human nation. Now, a new Werewolf King has been crowned. We're not sure what he'll do or what kind of king he'll be. We'll soon find out because he's on his way here.

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