Chapter 3

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Here's Chapter 3. Hope you like it. 


Did I really just agree to marry the Werewolf King?

By the look of shock and disbelief written on my father's face it was a safe bet that I had done just that.

"Can you give us a moment?" My father asked the Werewolf King, while trying to regain his composure.

"Of course," he replied, getting up from his seat and leaving the study.

My father remained silent long after the Werewolf King left, turning away from me so I couldn't see his face.

"I am not letting you agree to this." He said finally, slowly turning to face me. His words were long and drawn out like he was trying to keep calm. "You are not marrying the Werewolf King. You're only twenty-three years old."

"You don't have to agree to it. It is my decision," I told him sternly, standing up from my chair.

"I have every right to say no to this marriage. I am your father and the king," he said letting his anger slip out.

I chose my next words carefully, trying to calm him down. "Yes, and as my father, you should respect my decision."

He let out a deep sigh, a sign that he was giving in. "You don't have to do this. I promised your mother I won't force you to get married."

"You're not forcing me. I want to do this," I said trying to sound convincing. I knew he would never agree to it unless he believed me. "It's what is best for this kingdom, for the people."

"But what about what's best for you?" He asked with some sadness behind his words.

I moved closer and took a hold of his hands in mine. "Trust me, Father. I'll be alright."

"I'll agree, but I won't like it," he said, giving my hands a squeeze and placing a kiss on my forehead.

He then nodded to the guard at the door to allow the Werewolf King to return. I moved back toward my seat, but decided not to sit down.

When he arrived, he came over and reclaimed his chair from before.

"I accept His Majesty's proposal," I informed him.

"Thank you, Your Highness. I am very happy to hear that you've accepted my proposal." From the smile that came to his lips I believed he meant that. "We will leave in the morning."

"I'm sorry. I don't understand," I said confused. What did he mean by "we"? "We're going where?"

"I must return to my people and since you are my mate and now my fiancé, you must return with me to my territory," he clarified.

I nodded but felt like I was on the brink of another panic attack.

"Come, let us return to the party," my father suggested, gesturing toward the exit to the study.


"So, what did your father want?" Lena asked, scooping me up as I arrived back in the ballroom. Jocelynn was there as well.

"Not here," I said, leading them out onto the patio where less people resided. "If I tell you, you cannot tell a single soul."

"Cross our hearts," Jocelynn said and Lena nodded in agreement.

I paused and looked around making sure we are out of earshot from everyone else. Once I was satisfied I let it out. "The Werewolf King asked me to marry me and I said yes."

The Werewolf KingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin