Chapter 2

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Here's chapter 2! I hope you like it!


After the departure of the Werewolf King I decided to make my way around the room and talk to the other guests. I started with some of the higher ranking guests such as the Lords and Ladies, exchanging small pleasantries.

I soon found myself standing face to face with three of the Werewolf King's men. I remembered their arrival, flanked behind him as they walked in. The man standing in the middle bowed low in greeting. When he stood back up I noticed he was the tallest and had the biggest build of the three men. I had to admit he was attractive. His light brown hair sat neatly on his head and his face sported a decent amount of stubble.

"Your Highness, I am Emmett Grant, the King's Beta."

"Pleased to meet you," I greeted in return, with a slight curtsy.

What I remembered from my history lessons was that every werewolf was part of a pack and every pack had an Alpha, the leader. Just under the Alpha was the Beta. Next, were the Special Forces, or soldiers, and then usually everyone else. The Werewolf King was a little different though because he was the Alpha who ruled over all the Alphas and their packs. He still had a Beta, some Special Forces, and his family, but that was all that made up his specific pack.

"Let me also introduce Henry Owens and Julian Marshall, two members of His Majesty's pack."

They bowed and I curtsied once more. These men had a slightly smaller build to that of Beta Emmett. They looked to be close in age as well. Julian's hair was blonde while Henry's was auburn.

"I hope you are all enjoying yourselves this evening," I said, continuing the pleasantries.

"We are, thank you, Your Highness." Julian answered with what seemed like a genuine smile. "I must admit this is far different than anything we've experienced."

His tone of voice made it difficult to distinguish if I should be offended or not. I opened my mouth to make a smart remark when I felt a tug on my arm and turned to find my two best friends Lena Rivers and Jocelynn Sommers.

Lena was also my cousin on my mom's side while Jocelynn's mom and mine had been best friends. I've known her since birth so she was practically family. Both girls were ladies of high status, wearing dresses a little less decedent than my own. Lena's was an off-the- shoulder red ball gown and her dark brown hair was styled into a braided crown. Jocelynn's dress was a plain light pink mermaid style and her hair was curled and pulled to the left side of her face.

"Your Highness," they greeted teasingly, with a curtsy. They knew how much I hated when they did that so now they do it every time they saw me.

"Excuse us gentlemen." They each looped an arm through mine and started to walk me away in the opposite direction.

"What are you two up to?" I asked suspiciously.

"Trying to save you from all the small talk," Jocelynn replied. She knew how much I hated it.

"Well your timing was impeccable," I said with a sigh. "I almost spoke out of turn with the Werewolf King's men."

"Speaking of the Werewolf King, was he the man you were dancing with earlier?" Lena asked intrigued with her eyebrows raised. I knew they had an ulterior motive for stealing me away.

"Yes it was," I confirmed in a matter of fact tone, trying not to remember the way I felt when we danced.

"He looks nothing like I imagined him," Jocelynn said. "He is way more attractive."

When she said this I felt my stomach plummet. I didn't like the suggestiveness in her tone.

"I agree and his friends are just as attractive," Lena said with a flirty smile.

"Begging your pardon, Your Highness," my father's attendant said, appearing before me. "Your father asked me to bring you to him."

"Is something wrong?" I asked, slightly confused and worried that something was wrong.

"Everything is fine. Please follow me." He instructed.

"I'll see you both later," I said in goodbye.

As we made our way out of the ballroom and down the hall, I wondered why my father would want to speak privately with me now.

"Do you know why father wants to speak with me?" I asked.

"Actually it was the Werewolf King that requested your presence."

Now I was even more confused. "Do you know why?"

"I am not at liberty to say, Your Highness."

Why did the Werewolf King want me? Did I offend him earlier? I obsessed over that question until we reached my father's study.

The two men in the room, my father and the Werewolf King, stood up in recognition of my arrival. I returned the gesture with a curtsey before moving closer.

"You sent for me?" I asked, looking from one to the other.

"Yes, come sit down," my father answered, gesturing to the big leather chair next to the Werewolf King.

I thought about remaining standing, not sure I wanted to be so close to the Werewolf King, but also feared offending him more. As I sat down I kept my gaze on my father but could swear I felt the Werewolf King's gaze boring into me.

"His Majesty has a proposal to make and he insisted you be here to hear it," my father explained.

I simply nodded and waited for someone to continue. It was the Werewolf King who spoke next.

"Thank you. For over a century and a half both werewolves and humans have been in a constant battle for power. Due to this both have suffered and continue to suffer."

Some more than others, I wanted to add but instead dug my nails into my palms to restrain myself.

"I would like to propose a stronger alliance," the Werewolf King continued. "One that could be forged by joining our kingdoms together through marriage."

"Whom were you thinking of marrying?" my father asked, but I had a sinking suspicion he already knew the answer and so did I.

"I would like to marry your daughter, Princess Ariella," the Werewolf King stated calmly, his gaze shifting to me.

Under his gaze I felt the world stand still. All I could hear was my heart hammering in my ears and I felt like my corset was suffocating me. The Werewolf King wanted me to marry him?

"Absolutely not!" My father shouted, taking me by surprise and bringing me back from the brink. "I refuse to force my daughter into a marriage."

"With all due respect, Your Majesty, she is also my mate." Mate? I think I had heard that term before with werewolves but couldn't recall what it meant. "If you don't mind I would like to hear your daughter's answer."

Both my father and the Werewolf King had their eyes glued to me, waiting for me to give an answer. I wasn't sure I knew what my answer was, or at least I didn't want to admit it. Deep down I knew this marriage could be exactly what my people needed.

"I'll do it. I will marry the Werewolf King."


Hello Readers,

Hope you like it so far. I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions. Thanks everyone!

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