✾ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ ✾

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I was sitting in my room until I got an urge to eat. I got up, but on my mask and left the room. I then walked to the kitchen and grabbed some bread sitting on the counter. I turned to go back to my room and eat the bread when Kai walked in. "Hello Kai!" I said. "What?- oh hey Chrono." said Kai. "Are you hungry? Do you want some bread to?" I said motioning to the bread on the counter. "Oh- yeah, sure." said Kai. I grabbed some bread and then put it near Kai's mouth, as if I was going to feed him. He looked at the bread awkwardly and then took it from me hesitantly. I giggled a bit and then I was about to leave for my room but then I got an idea.

"Hey Kai! Want to come to my room with me?" I asked. Kai looked a little surprised. "Why?" He said in confusion. "So we can eat together!" I laughed. "Uhm, okay.."

We then started walking to my room and we entered. Kai shut the door behind him ask I took off my mask and lowered my hood. I then reached to take of Kai's mask for him, to be a nice friend and he slapped my hand. "What are you doing!?" he said in a panicked voice. "Uh.. I'm taking of your mask for you? So you can eat your bread..?" I said confused.

"I can do that myself." Kai said, removing his mask. "Oh.. sorry.." I said as I lowered my head. "Uh! It's okay! I'm not mad!" Kai said quickly. "You aren't?" I said raising my head again. "N-no.." Kai said hesitantly.

"Yay!" I said as I smiled at Kai. He didn't say anything, instead he looked away and started eating his bread. I sat down on my bed and patted the spot on the other side of the bed for Kai to sit. Instead he sat right next to me, which made me blush slightly.

We ate our bread in silence until I said, "Kai! Wanna watch a movie with me?" Kai hesitated at first, but then said, "Okay." I then grabbed my remote and turned on the TV. "What kind of movie do you want Kai?" I said excitedly. "Horror." Kai said flatly. "Oh.. okay!" I said worriedly, I hate horror movies. I then played the one that Kai said 'That one!' to.

We sat on the edge of the bed and the movie started. At the beginning I thought: 'This isn't so bad' :D. Then a little later their was a jump scare and I screamed and buried my head in Kai's neck. "You're scared? Wimp." Kai laughed. "Y-yes I'm scared!" I whined. "Aww, what a little baby" Kai teased. "W-whatever!" I said as I bolted back up to watch the movie, 'I'm no wimp!' I thought.

Then some character was walking and the evil person jumped out of NOWHERE and stabbed the person. I screamed so loud the whole house probably heard. I then hugged Kai so tightly I might of cut of his circulation. He looked at me in surprise as I buried my face in his side.

"Get off, I'm trying to watch the movie Chrono." said Kai. "No!" I whined. "Yes." "No!" I hugged him tighter. "Fine." He said, not annoyed, but slightly kindly.


After the movie was finished I said, "It's finished." No reply. " I looked over to see Hari was asleep on my shoulder. 'I'll just lay him down and leave.' I thought. I laid him and then I got up and reached for the door handle. When I was about to turn it, I full a tug on my shirt. I looked and it was Hari holding onto my shirt. I was about to push his hand away and leave before he said, "Kai.. stay." I was shocked by this, but I brushed it off and was turning the door handle. "Please." Hari said gently, and a little desperately. "...Fine." I said after a while. I laid next to him on the bed.

༄The next morning༄


I woke up and was surprised to see Kai resting on my chest. "Kai?" I said. Kai woke with a jolt and said "Huh?" "What are you doing here?" I said in a confused tone. "You told me to stay." He said, embarrassed. "Oh! Thanks for staying.. I like you company." At that, we both blushed and looked away. "A-anyways.. we've  got to get to the meeting, what time is it?" Asked Kai.

"Oh, it's uhh.." I glanced at the clock, "7:30!" Kai's eyes widened, he got up off the bed and said, in a panicked voice, "I'm the boss! I'm going to be late to my own meeting!" "And I'm going to die from the boss, for also being late." I joked. But it seemed like Kai didn't realize it was a joke and he said, "Oh never! I'd never hurt you!" "..I was joking..!" I said as I started blushing furiously. Kai blushed too and said, "Uh.. I was joking too!.. hah.." He then strapped on his mask, about to exit, until he glared at me and said, "But seriously, I'd never hurt you, Hari." He than ran out the room.

I laid on my bed in shock. He called me 'Hari' not 'Chrono!' I blushed furiously at the sentence that left my bosses mouth. I then got up and put on my mask and pulled up my hood. I ran towards the meeting room. I entered and everyone looked at me.
"Oh good. I thought the boss murdered his assistant." said Nemoto. "You know he wouldn't, haha!" squealed Mimic. "Mhm." said Kai in a annoyed tone. "Both of you were late.. for the same reason? I presume." Nemoto said slyly. I blushed and took my seat.

༄After the meeting༄

Everyone walked to start doing their work and I went to count the money we had gotten recently. After a long while, I finished counting and walked over to Kai, who was sitting on the couch looking at papers. "I finished counting the money, Kai!" Kai looked up, "Oh yeah? How much?" he said. "63,567 yen!" I said excitedly. "Okay." He said, writing that down on one of the papers. "What do you want me to do now, Kai?" I asked. "Check on Eri. No playing." He said flatly. "Okay!"

The end of chapter one, sorry it's quite long! I hope you like this, it's my first story!

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