Act 3

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It had been 12 days since they met. Everyday Sora would go to the park, look for the maze just to talk to Roxas. He notice many things had change with Roxas, he was now more talkative and he showed more emotion. Although his eyes looked more open and vivid they still had that distant look sometimes. It was like there was something missing.

Sora windup the key, making the beautiful music he had come to love start. "Good morning sleepy head" he greeted the toy inside the snow globe.

"Sora!" As soon as Roxas open his eyes he ran to the edge of the snow globe and press his face against the cold glass.

"Your gonna hurt yourself" Sora said as he tap the glass.

"You know I can't actually feel anything" the blond stopped pressing his face against the glass and sat cross leg. Sora wonder about that a lot, how was he so sure the toy felt nothing. He sure did show emotion, more than before.

" What story you got for me today?" The blond asked enthusiastic, he loved Sora's stories, they were funny and so amusing. How he wished he could get out of his prison and have little adventures with his friend.

" I met a killer duck on my way here!"

"What" Roxas was dumbstruck

"There's this new duck living at this park and when I got close to it, it tried to bite my head off. If you don't see me tomorrow, now you know it was that killer duck's fault"

"Oh" the thought of Sora not going to visit him even for a day, he didn't like it. Roxas didn't want that, he wanted to be with Sora everyday. Which reminded him of something the brunet had told him before "Sora, you said I was a decoration for Christmas, right?"

"Yeah" the brunet answer

"What would happen to me when christmas is gone" Sora hadn't thought about that, he was so used to seeing Roxas everyday, he forgot the reason why he was put there in the first place. When all the festivities were over, all these beautiful decorations would probably be store away or worst thrown in the thrash. He couldn't let that happen to his friend. "Don't worry Roxas, I'll make sure you stay with me"

For the first time the toy felt a tingly sensation inside him, this sensation was new to him, it made him want to smile. So he did. After that they chatted till the stars came out and Sora had to go home.

" Is that a star?" Roxas had never seen a star before, he had heard the brunet talk about them.

Sora nodded then clamp his hands together, closed his eyes and put all his feelings into words "Star light, star bright, the first star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight, please let Roxas stay with me forever" As he finish saying his wish, the music died down and Roxas fell sleep once more.

"That was a very sweet wish, I may just help you turn it into a reality"

Startled Sora turn around to see an old man. He had a white long bear and was wearing a blue coat long enough to reach his feet and a matching hat.
"Who are you?"

"My name is Yen Sid" the old man said

"Can you really make my wish come true?"

"I can only give you a chance. You see the funny thing about wishing on stars is they will only give you a chance it's up to you to make it a reality" Yen Sid explain.

"You have to make his mechanical heart feel real emotions.
He needs to understand love and friendship. All things important for humans. Before the 25th of December"

"And if I fail?" Grim with dread Sora asked

"He'll become a regular toy and you won't be able to talk to him. If you don't want to try it's fine, I won't force you. But remember when christmas is over, he'll be taken away"

This was his best chance, with this he could help Roxas. "I will try!" And with that said, the glass surrounding the toy shatter and disappear.

"For the time being he will be able to stay awake without the song and go where he pleases, but he has to be here by the 25th. Now windup the key for the count down to start"

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