Act 4

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"What was i thinking?!" Sora had his face buried in a pillow " I wasn't! That's what, I could have looked for another way! This is too risky!"

"Sora" Roxas was trying to get the brunet's attention. "Sora"

"I don't even know where to start! What if I fail! I'm a despicable human being! "

"SORA!" The toy yell as loud as he could, and with that Sora finally listen "Look no one said this would be easy but we have to try. I'm fine with your decision. But you really scare me back there" You see, after Sora turn the key, he grab Roxas the second he woke up and drag him all the way to his house. When they arrive he explain everything but then he started questioning his life choices.

"Are you sure?" The brunet looked at his friend with watery eyes.

"Yes, I never thought I would be able to leave that prison, but thanks to your wish I can now go where I want. For this I'm grateful." He wanted to hug Sora and reassure him, but before he could do anything, said brunet grab him by the shoulders and said "Grateful! You said your grateful! You felt something"

"Is being grateful a feeling?"

"Yush!" This made Sora think of a wonderful idea. If this little experience they had could make him feel grateful, maybe different experiences could make him discover more feelings.

And so the plan started.
On the 14th they went ice skating, Roxas discovered fear that day.

"Roxas just let go already" Sora said looking at the blond, at the moment he was holding on to a light post for dear life.
"No if I let go, I'll fall and then I'll break! This is ... This is.."

"Scary?" The brunet finish for him. The toy nodded furiously in agreement. "Come here" Sora extended his arms towards Roxas "you can hold on to me, it'll be fine. Trust me"

On the 16th Roxas learned sympathy and irritation by having to take care of a sick Sora.

"Let's go!" The brunet announce, he was correctly in his bedroom and was about to go when a very irritated blond stop him.

"You've got to be kidding me, right?" Roxas grab Sora by the collar and drag him back to bed. "You have a fever! I know this is important but you still need to take care of yourself"

"But we don't have time for this" Sora whined.

"Your probably feeling horribly and it's cold outside. Your well being comes first, the rest can wait"

On the 18th, the toy learned friendship.

"Your doing it again" Roxas pointed out. The brunet stop frowning and looked at him.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your worrying about Christmas, you always frown when you do that" the silent told Roxas he was right " I know you'll be able to teach me everything on time, I trust you. Besides your barely recovering from your cold."

"Your a good friend Roxas"

On the 19th he learn curiosity and joy.

The boys were currently at the mall. To be more specific they were at the food court.

"What is that? How can you people eat that? What does it even taste like?" The blond was looking at the ice cream flavors. His eyes were fixed on the blue flavor.

"It's just sea salt ice cream" Sora said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Doesn't that contradict itself?" Roxas was a bit perplexed "how do salty and sweet go together?"

Instead of answering the question, Sora bought a cone and handed to Roxas"Just try it"

"This taste delicious!"

By the 24th Roxas understood most emotions a human heart, but he was missing one. The most important of all, love. Sora was the one to learn about love. He was the one to learn what it meant to hold someone special in your heart. Someone who you want to see smile, someone to protect, someone you want be with everyday. For Sora that someone was Roxas. Because of that he understood that love can't be thought, it can only be born in a person's heart over time.

On the night of Christmas Eve he decided to tell him. They were currently in his room "Roxas do you know what love is?"

"It's when you like something or someone a lot... Right?"

"That's part of it, but it's also when you care about someone deeply. When you want to see them happy, when that person becomes your everything and you just want to be with them. It makes people do a lot of crazy things" even tho he was smiling Sora's eyes had tears starting to piled up. " like being jealous or being selfish"

"Sounds rough" Roxas knew his time was running out, and that was why Sora was sad.

The brunet didn't want to cry, he had to be brave for Roxas, but his eyes betrayed him and the tears pour out. "Before I couldn't understand it either but now I do, because I really love you"

Sora couldn't even say a word anymore because of how much he was crying. Roxas felt hurt, he couldn't stand seeing the brunet like this. The toy kiss Sora's forehead and hug him. They stayed like that until the crying boy fell sleep.
The next morning instead of being happy like every year. Instead of running to the tree to see what santa brought, Sora cried because the toy he loved the most was gone.

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