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  Packing for trips has never been my strong suit. I always have the feeling that I forgot something, which is now presenting itself as a problem.

  "Adley! Seriously we have to leave babe, we can just buy you what you need!" my mom calls up the stairs. I shake my head in frustration, knowing that what I'm missing can't be bought. After 5 minutes pacing my room thinking, Kamdon walks upstairs with a piece of paper in his hand. "Okay, I have your list from previous trips, let's go over it." The feeling is gone. I tell Kam this and he shakes his head at me like I'm crazy. "I'm not crazy. You know that feeling I get! And I swear before you came up I had it."

  My mom hears our bickering as we come down the stairs and smiles knowingly, "Maybe Adley, what you were missing was your bestfriend?" Now its my turn to shake my head at my mom like she is crazy. Of course it wasn't Kam that was missing. I knew he was coming.

  We wheel our luggage out the door and pile it into the back of the very convenient mini-van that my parents bought when my brothers were born. Gabe and Adrien climb into the very back and Kam and I take the two middle seats. Kamdon has been around forever so he fits in well with our family. My brothers treat him as if he is their older brother and my parents love him as much as they love the twins. Seeing him in the car next to me on the way to the airport is surprisingly a normal thing for me.

  I look over at Kam, suddenly feeling a wave of nostalgia, only to find him looking right back at me. He sticks his tongue out and crosses his eyes and  repeat his actions back at him. I see flashes come from both the front and back of the van and accusingly look at my mother and then back at my brothers. Kam's phone goes off and I lean over to see who it is. He guards his phone from me and I feel weird about it.

  "Aww does Kammy have a girlfrieeeend?" I taunt. Kamdon rolls his eyes at me and goes back to his phone. I huff loudly, actually feeling a little irritated by his actions. "Aw is our little Addy jealous?" my brothers taunt me back. I look over to Kam to see a slight bit of hope in his eyes(hope?) and turn to my brothers, "No Addy is not jealous, shes irritated."

  I turn and look out the window, deciding to take a nap. A couple hours later we arrive at LAX, having just enough time to go through security and board. My seat is next to Kam's. Once we settle down, I lay my head on his shoulder as a silent apology. I know he accepts when his own head is resting on my own. After an hour, Kam has fallen asleep and I whisper, "I'm sorry Kammy, being around you confuses my brain lately", then fall asleep myself.

  We land after nearly 7 hours and when we do, its raining. I wake Kamdon up and we slowly board off behind my family. Inside the airport, I wrap my arm around Kamdon's waist and he wraps his around my shoulder, this way we are holding each other up. We grab our luggage from the baggage pickup and make our way out to meet my mom's mom. Soon we see a familiar SUV pull up and my grandma jumps out from the passenger side to greet us, which is concerning because we were only expecting my gramma.

   I peak inside and see my Uncle Tyler in the driver's seat. "Uncle Ty!" I squeal, running to the other side of the car, not caring about the rain. He gets out of the car to greet me and picks me up. "Adley! How's my favorite niece?" I answer while he sits me down and look over my uncle's shoulder to see Kam watching me in the cover, holding open his jacket.

  I run over to him and quickly envelop my self in the jacket. Kam giggles, yes giggles, at this and pulls me in. I look up to him and we make that weird eye contact again and he leans in again.  I pull away quickly and laugh nervously. My gramma calls us over and I don't waste a second. "My dear Ads, would you and Kammy mind taking a cab to the house. We only have one seat open and I would hate to separate you two?" I nod my head and say ,"Of course we wouldn't mind Gramma."

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