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How do you get over kissing your bestfriend of several years and liking it? If anyone has an answer please do tell.

After last night I decided to just not talk to Kam. It seems like the most reasonable choice. I mean what am I going to say, "Hey that was a really great kiss but I don't like you that way,"? So I just won't talk at all.

My mom decided to take me and my Gramma shopping today, which makes my goal of today 10 times easier.

As I'm slipping on my shoes to join my mom in the car, Kam walks up to me. He just stands there for a second before clearing his throat and speaking, "So, about last night?" He says with a question in his tone. "Kammy, I'm so sorry, but I have to go," I reply quickly and walk out the door. I head to my mom's car and we pull out to go grab my Gramma.

Kam's POV
She's avoiding me. I've known her since she was 4 years old. When something happens and she doesn't want to talk about it, she avoids the problem. Apparently now, I'm the problem. I watch her walk out to the car and hope that Mady talks to her. Mady and Kian are like my second parents, and I tell Mady everything. So naturally, last night after the kiss, I went straight to Mady and she said she would talk to Addy for me.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't remember when I fell in love with Adley, that it just slowly happened. But the truth is, it was the beginning of our freshman year. Up until then I had seen Mady as a sister, I teased her and did brotherly things with her. Then we entered high school and all my friends pointed out how 'hot' she was. I started to see the things they did, but it went further than that. I noticed the way her eyes glow in the sun, the way her lips unknowingly pout when she's disappointed, how she laughed at the stupidest jokes and the beauty of that laugh. Her smile lit up whole rooms and immediately lifted spirits.

Once I noticed these things, I knew I was screwed. I kept these feelings to myself for our freshman and sophomore year until it became unbearable to feel that way. Considering that Addy was my bestfriend and I couldn't necessarily talk to her about it, at least I wasn't ready, I went for the next best thing. Adley was always talking about how good Mady was at giving advice and listening, that I figured she'd be the best person to go to.

A week from the beginning of our junior year, I made sure Adley wasn't going to be home and I went to talk to her mother. When Mady opened the door she immediately said "I'm sorry Kammy, Addy isn't here", I nodded my head, signaling that I knew, and told her that I was here to talk to her. She immediately brought me inside, grabbed some iced tea, and sat down on the couch with me.

I explained my thoughts and feelings and Mady just listened the whole time, nodding her head. letting me know that she was listening. "Well Kammy, I can't say this surprises me. The way you look at my little girl is the same Ki looked at me when we were that age." I forgot that Mady and Kian got together in high school. Maybe this could work out, it seems that Lawleys happen to have a habit of falling in love in high school. Mady and I talked about ways to tell Adley and possible reactions. Right as Adley walked in from a day with her dad, Mady and I decided I would tell her two days from then. Adley walked into the living room, hugged her mom, then plopped down next to me, resting her head on my shoulder.

"What are we doing in two days?" She asked. "I was going to see if you wanted to go see that new Dora movie," I say off the bat. She sits up and looks at me incredulously, "I am 16 years old Kamdon James, and you are asking if I want to see the new Dora movie?", I just look at her and reply smugly, "So that's a yes?" She grumbles a yes and I stand up off the couch, "Well I'm going to go home now, gimme a hug?" Adley stands and wraps her arms around my neck, having to stand on her tiptoes. I smile wrapped in her embrace and hold her a little longer than usual, and let go. As I walk out the door I yell, "I bid you goodbye the Lawley Clan".

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