a shadow demon and the gerudo king (chapter 3)

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A few weeks later

Cinder is resting in bed as ganondorf was out with ghirahim in the forbidden woods behind Hyrule Castle as they were going to meet someone who might be interested in taking shadow moon rebirth as then while ghirahim and ganondorf stands around in the forbidden Hyrule woods into the shadow demon appears behind them as he says so ganondorf what was this letter about a rebirth of shadow moon ganondorf replies it's a long story but cut it short I killed shadow moon and he is going to be reborn from my wife after they did it while she was under his control and the control of a amulet the shadow demon listens to him and then says oh ive seen it don't worry anyways I'll take him from her three days after his birth just so he can see his mother before been taken trust me a baby like to see its mother after birth ganondorf nodes understanding as he says that will be fine the shadow demon then says I'll be around the castle ganondorf nodes teleporting himself back to the castle as ghirahim stays behind for a moment and says a bit threating to the shadow demon if you try anything shadow devil to either ganondorf or cinder I'll kill you shadow devil whispers to ghirahim i would never touch my sister but since your so protective of her like my brother is then maybe I should take her to shadow hell with me without you or my brother to annoy me shadow devil dissapears to Hyrule to hanging around there as ghirahim teleports back to ganondorf in Hyrule

In Hyrule Castle

Ganondorf was watching cinder sleeping as ghirahim appears next to him watching cinder sleep as she was starting to look thinner then usual as she hasn't been eating much as the rebirth of shadow moon as ghirahim says to ganondorf a bit worried about cinder she hasn't been eating much vogla and zant has tried to feed her but she rejected do you think she is staving her self after what happened to her ganondorf replies to him maybe I'm not sure whenever I try to talk to her about it she pulls away shutting herself down from the topic ghirahim nodes understanding as cinder wakes up streaching her boney arms as she shivers a bit as she noticed ganondorf as she didn't want him to see her like this as she sits up with the help of shadow devil secret shadows that were hanging around her as ghirahim left to do something as ganondorf sits on the bed and she climbs into his lap as he holds her feelings her bones and how frail she is as he says to her you know you need to eat something sooner or later cinder nodes knowing that she needs to eat but what she wants to eat she can't as she says well I do know but the thing Is what I want to eat is that it will be Gross ganondorf grins and says tell me and maybe I can make it happen cinder says blushing raw steak with chocolate sauce ganondorf looks at her secretly wanting to puke as he had heard of weird food cravings but never thought it will be like this as ganondorf says to her I'll see what I can do beautiful he sits her back on the bed leaving the room going to the kitchen as ghirahim was there looking for something as he sees ganondorf enter and says did you find out her food cravings ganondorf nodes and says well it might make you fell sick ghirahim replies lay it on me it can't be as bad ganondorf replies to ghirahim raw steak with chocolate sauce ghirahim looks at him blankly and says ok then that's quite a craving but I'm sure you and I can work it out ganondorf nodes agreeing

With cinder in the master chamber

Cinder was sitting in bed as shadow devil appears in the room as he says miss Me my sister cinder looks at him and says a bit tiredly brother just when I thought you weren't ever going to see me again after what I did to your relationship with our mother shadow devil replies I got over that I was banish to earth by our other brother cinder nodes understanding as he picks her up to hugs her as she hugs back as he sets her back down on the bed as he says you sleep I'll be here for you into ganondorf returns she nodes falling asleep again as shadow devil watched over her for a bit

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