finding shadow devil and vogla been dissowned (chapter 9)

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Later that day in shadow hell

Ganondorf had return back to Hyrule to deal with his royal duties while cinder was in shadow hell looking for traces of shadow devil dissapearnce into she finds His foot prints leading to a portal that leads to the gerudo desert as cinder gose through it

In the gerudo desert

Cinder appears on the gerudo desert and continues following shadow devil foot prints that leads to the gerudo castle were he is sitting near the entrance of the gerudo castle as cinder gose to him and she says I'm sorry I forgot your birthday shadow devil replies it's fine I wouldn't blame you after what has happened to you she sits next to him as she says why did you come here for shadow devil replies it makes me think our mother had you here instead of hyrule cinder nodes agreeing as she says well if you want we can have your birthday here instead of Hyrule shadow devil replies if you won't mind cinder nodes as ganondorf appears with the gerudos as he says I heard everything and I understand I would want a birthday were my sister was tortured shadow devil nodes as ganondorf had left ghirahim in charge of the hyrilans and Hyrule and to look after the rebirths of shadowdorf and shadow moon for a bit as vogla appears as well as he says well at least it's better then having your parents dissown you for now been a rogue I'll properly be replaced shadow devil replies my father dissowned me vogla felt a bit bad as cinder and ganondorf walks off to plan shadow devil birthday party

A few hours later in the gerudo castle

Shadow devil hangs upside down in the throne room by his tail as cinder and ganondorf had finished planning the party as they went looking for shadow devil as they found him upside down by his tail hiding in his wings as they could tell that shadow devil was having a nap which he was having a nap as he was a bit tired

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