Chapter One - Sabrina works her arse off!

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Sabrina honestly didn't know what had happened. She had spent 6 hours cleaning her Aunt Hilda's conservatory, 3 hours on her knees scrubbing and mopping in the Ambroses's basement, 5 hours working for AUnt Zelda taking phone calls, 4 hours in the kitchen cooking up a storm, 7 hours studying her arse of for school (fucking maths), 3 and a half hours dusting and vacuuming and 5 hours sitting in court listening to the tedious 1000 year timeline that the high demons had constructed in order to at least have some sort of guidance while their king was gone for Lillith. She had spent 2 hours in the garden planting the nightshade and ivy, 1 hours on the roof decluttering the drains and finally 2 hour explaining to Aunt Hilda how to use a phone,

Over the course of the week she had spent a total of 38 HOURS sucking up to everyone. This had equaled to over 5 hours a day of extra work and on top of that she had begged for a solid half hour a day (and yes, she was still attending both schools). She even had come up with a slideshow she had presented over dinner (much to Aunt Hilda's amazement and Aunt Zelda's dismay). Sabrina had no idea what had come over her and was absolutely appalled with the level she had stooped to. Of course her friends were very sympathetic, with the exception of Caliban that made trips from hell solely to entertain himself and laugh at her hard work.

What you may be asking? All so she could go searching for her father. In the very little time that she had she had spent every waking minute looking for her father. As it turns out it was not very hard at all. I mean he hadn't exactly hidden from the camera. All you had to do is run a picture under face recognition and tens of thousands of pictures surfaced on the internet, dating from one hour ago to the 1830's and then there was more drawings from before then that had uncanny resemblance. Also he had a extensive instagram that was flooded with ridiculous pictures and his twitter was just about drowning in meaningless commentary on his life and innuendo's.

Sabrina had found out that her father, her real father was living in LA as a club owner at a bar named Lux and for reasons unknown, a civilian consultant for the LAPD. he had been in the system for around 5 years and had quite a reputation for his amazing favor giving, sexual prowess and extensive global contacts.

Ros, Harvey and Theo were not so convinced that it was a good idea to go looking for the Devil himself and even less sure that she should introduce herself. To be fair they didn't have the best track record with these kind of things so they had every right to be wary. Though after taking one look at his online presence they decided that he clearly wasn't as evil as he was hyped up to be sand begrudgingly agreed.

She had consulted Lillith and Caliban, they had taking it better. Lillith had taken one look at the photo's and "tweets" as the young princess had put it and said under her breath "thats looks about right" and shook her head saying that she would be just fine looking after Hell while she was gone. Caliban had told her that she didn't need go all the way to Los Angeles to meet him and as he so eloquently put it, "well my lady, all you need to do is call 666". He then proceded to snocker to himself for the next 10 minutes rendering him absolutley useless.

Her family had taken it better then she expected, though still not very well. After announcing that she wished to go find her father Ambrose had started pacing around muttering "fucking hell 'Brina" on repeat.

"Look at the poor dear, you've broke him" Aunt Hilda had said worringly. She had takenit best and said that she was fine with Sabrina leaving, as long as she returned, called every 3 hours ("yes Sabrina, that goes for night aswell") and took Salem with her. Aunt Zelda had yelled at her for half an hour straight. It had taken her a week to work and beg to get Aunt Zelda to come around and she had only agreed it when Sabrina promised to have. two way mirror with her at all times.

When she told Nick he got ectremely sad, which had only made her nauseatingly angry. She made sure to walk away before she hurt him.

Finally after a week she was packing her bags with af light booked ready to go to the city of Angels.

Hey Stars,
Hope you all are alright. The first chapter is done!!! I hope youa re enjoying this so far, an yes I know that its rather slow, I'm sorry.

Have a wonderful night!

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