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You know what I love? Airports. So many people going in so many different directions, it's so cool. I look around, and all I can see is the hustle and bustle of businessmen and women on trips, families on vacation, and young people going home. I'm one of the latter.

My name is Max. That's what people call me, anyway. My real name is Maxine, but after the fourth grade, anyone who calls me Maxine has a death wish. Guys sometimes make fun of me for wanting to be called Max, but not for long. I have built a reputation to be intimidating, even though I'm extremely shy. Bring 5' 3'' no longer matters. Sometimes bitch just gotta slay.

Anyways, I'm at an airport in Perth, heading back home. My dad lives here, and my mom lives in Sydney. I live with her most of the time, but I head over to Perth for a few weeks every summer. It's not a perfect life, but it's mine.

I hum Centuries by Fall Out Boy (my latest obsession) as I walk through the busy halls. I look for the luggage station to put my suitcase on. It's a red suitcase with pockets on the front, and wheels on the bottom. This suitcase is the only thing I have with me besides my bag that has my chapstick (I bring it everywhere with me), my phone, iPod, earbuds, and a Percy Jackson book in it.

I finally find the luggage area. I toss my suitcase on top and hurry away to find my gate for the plane hoping I'm not la-


I run right into a 6 foot tall brick slab. And by brick slab I mean a guy with brown hair that covers his eyes, a bandana around his forehead, and a muscle tank over a bullet proof torso. I look up to see him look down in alarm and say, "Damnit, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

Shocked and tongue-tied, I barely stutter, "I'm-I'm sorry," and walk away as quickly as humanly possible, only to trip over the untied laces of my beat up Vans and fall flat on my face.

Well, there's the prologue for you! This is set in Australia, if you didn't already know, and the reason max isn't using the metric system is because her mother was originally from the U.S.
That is all.

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