chapter 5:The Father of The Bride

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chapter 5: The Father Of The Bride

Paris is in the room with her step-mother. They are all giggling how the baby is rasing up her belly with her precious feet and hands.

Paris "She really wants out of their dear step -mommy" she said to Queenie. 

Queenie "I want her out to" she smile as her nose has spread across her face.

Paris has tears. "Step-Mommy Father chose Treasure a husband but not I? Why Step-Mommy?" as she whispered. She dare not let her Father hear her cry out in pain over such nonsense.

Queenie "Oh dear heart. You know that I am psychic right? Come closer and look into my eyes. What do you see?"

Paris came closer and she looked into her step-mommy's eyes and

Paris "Om Stars!" as she stood back and 

Queenie "ssssshhhhhh!"

All the girls wondered what is going on?

They kept up the giggles and Paris is giggling a lot with them now. She does not know a lot but she has a little to go on and the Christmas cheer will be a surprise even for Father.

The mid-wives hush the girls. It is well into almost 3am and they are keeping up the devilment. Father loves his sleep. He suffers from insomnia and does not like to be disturb once his eyes are tight. He loves his shut eye as he calls it.

The girls get to talking about the wedding night.

Treasure does not know who her Father has selected but she feels in love already?

Paris "Princess Treasure Mion how does it feel to marry a Soldier of Love? I want to marry a Soldier of Love. When Father is ready that is"

Princess Treasure Mion "It feels pure and honest and I am a virgin and I will be his first. Mommy? He is a virgin too right?"

Queenie "Of course my beloved little child of white wonderment. We want you two to be equals. Yes, I hope all goes well on your wedding night. Oh maybe the next night will be better. After you two get over the willies" she snickered

Treasure "Oh I saw You and Father on the big screen at King Thriller remember? I saw how it is done" 

The girls all snicked and giggled because they all saw that love scene between their Father and Mother. It made the Blockbuster best movie scene of the year. The ratings went through the roof at The Slammies. An award show that gives out awards like that for such love scenes. King Thriller took home eight Slammies. He slayed as always.

Princess Tuesday Autumn "You know what to do Treasure? I am afraid for you my sister" as she did have a horror look on her face

Treasure "I can not wait not to be a virgin again" she meant it

Queenie shook her head at such talk at Christmas Time.

Paris "I wonder why Father wants me to be an old maid? I have been looking at The Soldiers of Love and I dare not say which one for he would not let me have him then huh?"

Queenie "sssshhhH your Father might hear us. Whisper Treasure and Tuesday and Paris. For we can not afford to get him angered. It will not be a wedding I promise you all. He is in a festive mood. Let's keep him that way. For he is the Father of the bride and he has been beaming for weeks on end. So happy one is leaving the nest. Rather going to live with her husband ina another part of the wing of the Gold Palace" 

Treasure "I can not wait to see how long....."

Queenie laughed as she nods in agreement.

Paris and Tuesday are quite amused at the vision of what happens on your wedding night. They can not wait to not be virgins any longer themselves.

Treasure "Mommy even if he is just working with a nub....."

The girls all giggled 

Queenie "Trust me my little darlings when yolu in love it feels so fine and size does matter but let's hope for the best"

Treasure "He is getting a piece of treasure I will not settle for a troll"

They all giggled...

Father eyes are opened?

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