1 - Doughnut

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Have you ever had a mental conversation with yourself and just thought to yourself, "man, a doughnut would be so great right now." It's been a while since I've said that to myself. Even though I'm 24 now, I still think back to my teenage years.

I miss those days. Days where I was so carefree. Back when life was easy and taken care of by my parents.

I was never sure of what path I wanted to follow. I was one of those kids that lived life at the moment. My mom would always ask me what would happen in the future when I'm older and they're not around anymore. I had thought about that innumerable times. I had nothing to work towards, no plans and no urge to change to that.

There was, however, this one day that stands out. A day I will never forget. I had just gotten my allowance and went to the doughnut shack for snacks. Just then, a man with a Yorkshire Terrier walked in. It was so adorable. He stood behind me with his owner- a man who looked to be in his 50's.

"He's so adorable, may I?" I said, reaching my hand out to get consent from his owner to pet the little pupper.

"Yes, of course, he's friendly," the man said as I bent down to ruffle this little guys hair. "His name is RJ. He's actually up for adoption." He continued.

"Oh, he isn't yours?" I asked while glancing up at him.

"No worries. I work at the animal shelter. Honestly, I felt a bit dizzy earlier and came for something to get my sugar levels a bit higher up. Of course, this little rascal wouldn't leave my side." The man said as he scratched his ears, causing us both to chuckle at RJ's cuteness.

"Aww. You don't have a home, little guy? You're so cute, RJ!" The man chuckled at me as I stood up, realising it was my turn to order. "Would you like to order together?" I asked. "I'd love to hear more about the shelter," to which he kindly complied. The conversation between us started up again as we were walking out with our sweets parcelled in our hands.

"So, how long have you been at the shelter, Mr...?" I questioned him.

"Park. Park Namseok, Almost my whole life, I would say." my eyes shot open as a 'wow' left my lips. He chuckled and continued. "I volunteered during my high school years since it was something I enjoyed. Therefore, when I finished school, I started work there full-time."

"That's incredible. You've devoted your entire life to helping animals." I said, sounding impressed as he nodded his head towards me. "I wish there were something like that for me, but I just haven't found it yet."

"You will, in due time." The man said to me as RJ came closer to me and began rubbing himself in my leg while walking. "When you do, find it, think of RJ cheering you on, fighting."

His words were so kind. I've never had anyone tell me such encouraging words before. He slowly started to unwrap his doughnut as we walked but shortly after, I noticed his pastry fall to the ground.

"Mr Park?" I asked. He began losing his balance and ultimately fell to the ground. My reflexes weren't suitable enough to catch him before he hit the ground.

My first reaction was to grab hold of The leash in his hand so that RJ doesn't escape. I took off my scarf and placed it under his head as I continuously called out to him but got no response.

After a short waiting period for an ambulance, I heard the siren of an ambulance approaching as I kept checking to see if he was still breathing. Thankfully they had arrived and placed him on a stretcher.

"Ma'am, do you know the patient?" One of the paramedics had asked.

"Uhm. His name is Park Namseok. He works at the animal shelter." Without thinking, I blurted out the only two things I know about him.

They then asked if I could go along with them to the hospital, to which I complied since I still had RJ and wasn't sure what to do with him.

We had arrived at the Han Hospital shortly after a trip of loud silence and almost tangible fear. Hurried was Mr Park to the ER. I got out of the ambulance, still retaining RJ in my hands while following the stretcher into a room. I stood in a corner as a doctor and nurse rushed to attend to the man.

I watched as they attached drips to his arm and the nurse took a sample of blood from him. The sight was incredible. How calm and level headed they are in a situation like this. Their precision was astounding.

"He's going into cardiac arrest." The Doctor yelled yet remained calm and collected.

The nurse got the defibrillator ready for use. She noticed me standing there and finally turned her attention towards me.

"Ma'am, are you with the patient?" She asked as I nodded my head. "I'm sorry, but the dog is not allowed in the room. Would you mind watching from outside?"

I had no choice but to comply. I stood outside the transparent doors of the room and watched as they strategically worked together to save this man's life. I was even further mesmerised by the beauty of the Doctor.

He had black hair and was tall with broad shoulders and gorgeous features. Every movement that he made was majestic. The sight of him being so confident with saving this mans life had me so immersed. After a few minutes, I decided to take a seat and wait for the doctors to come out.

Twenty minutes had passed before they had finally come out. The Doctor walked up to me and knelt down to be at eye level with the dog.

"D-Doctor!" I said, waiting for him to give me feedback.

"Kim Seokjin," He chimed, extending his hand to me for me to formally shake it, "I'm actually just an intern..."

"It doesn't matter whether you're an intern. You're still a Doctor." I chimed, earning a chuckle from the gorgeous Doctor.

"That is true," he pondered with a slight smile, "So, about the patient."

"Yes! Is he okay?" I asked.

"He'll be fine. There was a slight blockage in his artery that could have led to a heart attack, but everything is fine now." he said in a calming voice, "Can I ask your relation to him?"

"I don't really have one. I just met the man today. When he passed out, I wasn't sure what to do, so I called an ambulance." I replied, "He did mention that he works at an animal shelter."

"Well, I can tell you now that your quick response is the reason he's still alive." He said as he slowly stood up and ruffled my hair. "Good job out there."

He ran his fingers through my hair and gave me a sweet smile before leaving me without a word more.

It was at that moment that I realised what I wanted to do with my life. I want to help people too. I want to be in a position where I know how to help them. I want to save lives. I want to work with a cute doctor like him and be someone who people can depend on, side by side, ready to cure illness and disease.

While looking to my side, I kept thinking about how none of this would have even happened had it not have been for RJ.

I will never forget the first words that I had spoken to my mother when she answered the phone.

"Mom, can we get a dog?"

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