8 - Fire Extinguisher

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<Y/n POV>

"You know, Dr Kim, I just realised something," I chimed without hesitation, "I think I like you."

The man in front of me had uttered no words. He stood there with a blank expression on his face, just trying to process what I had just said. His posture had slightly arched and his eyes wandered away from mine.

"What do you mean by 'like'?" He mumbled softly, as though in a daze.

"'Like', in the Romantic sense," I chuckled along by his reaction.

"You don't— No. You're wrong. You don't like me," he protested as he straightened up and dusted off his clothes, "You're just vulnerable right now."

"You know, you're like an MnM. You've got this hard and absolute exterior," I giggled, being amused by my thoughts, "but on the inside, you're all soft and sweet, Seokjinnie~"

Calling him by his first name had definitely taken him by surprise. It was cute and funny at the same time. Without even responding to me, he lazily made his way to his apartment and blankly left the scene, allowing me to break into laughter upon seeing this.

"Jungkook," I spoke between my chuckles, "you can come out now."

The door slowly creaked open, revealing a nosy friend of mine. He peeked his head out just enough for me to see his eyes.

"How did you know," he asked timidly to which I snickered.

"How could I not?"

We were back in my apartment. I was still giggling to myself at the whole situation that had just transpired. Jungkook on the other hand was trying to process it all. Even as I made my way to the rice cooker to dish out for the two of us, his mind never stopped trying to fit the puzzle pieces together.

"So, you mean to tell me," he spoke as he sat down at the table, "that you like your mentor?"

"Former mentor," I replied, making my way to the table with two bowls of rice in my hands.

"The same mentor that gave you a hard time?".

"Mhm." I hummed, putting a spoon of rice in my mouth.

"The same mentor that told you to give up?" He asked, causing me to chew slower at my reluctance to answer.

"...Mmm," I affirmatively hummed, being a bit sceptical.

"Care to explain?" He asked, just as I had swallowed the rice.

"It's rude to talk with food in your mouth," I shouted, immediately shoving another spoon of rice into my mouth.


"Yah, I'm noht Chimin! Droph da chi!" (Yah, I'm not Jimin! drop the Sshi.)

My words were all mumbled since I was the rice was obstructing my ability to enunciate my words. Jungkook's expression at my wise and mumbled words was interesting; curiosity mixed with annoyance.

"Fine," I retorted, banging my spoon on the table, "he isn't just my mentor."

Jungkook had gently put his utensils down. He brought his hands to his face and cupped his cheeks, resting his elbows on the table. His eyes were fixated on mine, waiting for me to begin my story.

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