Chapter 10

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Thor's POV

"Portxta reviu zituas uro Carol?" Carol said, blinking in confusion.

"Carol, please. I don't want to-" Thor began to protest them being enemies.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd just his luck, she charged at him.

Try he might, but Thor found it extremely hard to hurt Carol, now that he knew who she was. She on the other hand, fought with everything she had on hand. Thor tried to disarm her, only to receive a broken nose.

Bringing his axe down, he expected to break an arm, only for her to expertly block him. Grabbing the handle of her sword, he ripped it out of her hand, and flung it across the room to its twin.

"Look Carol, you don't have a weap-"


Landing on the floor several metres away, Thor almost slapped himself for forgetting that Carol could use photon blasts, and go binary.

"Ust hiurk ard Pyre, getha osp." My name is Pyre, dumb ass.

Blasting him with her photon energy, Carol rolled towards her swords. Thor sent a bolt of electricity towards her, only to remember too late what happens when she gets an electric shock.

The entire room became victim to a wave of fire, flooding it with intense light. Thor's eyes snapped shut, even then, they were blinded. When he was able to see again, he saw dark shots where Carol had been a moment ago.

Thor made a mental note to never, ever, electrocute her ever again.

But with his rubbishy luck, he would most likely forget within two months and do it again.

He felt sorely tempted to call the fairness police when he saw Carol with her swords already standing up and walking towards him, being overly dramatic and bad ass as usual.

Scooting backwards, Thor attempted to throw a nearby vase at her, only for Carol to catch it, without even breaking it.

Closing his eyes and letting lightning surge through his body, Thor called Stormbreaker towards him.

Why wasn't it coming to him? He tried again and failed.

Snapping his eyes open, Thor saw Carol holding and studying it in a childish sort of manner, like a three year old would examine a gun. Innocent looking, yes, but deadly? Also yes.

Thor summoned it again. Stormbreaker tugged a little, but it remained in Carol's hands. 

Great, now she's worthy, Thor groaned to himself. The last thing he needed was someone who could lift his favourite weapon, especially since he was no unarmed.

Instead of attacking him with it, Carol discarded it with her freaky fire fists.

"Foolish thing to do Carol," Thor laughed at her stupidity, "I can summon Stormbreaker back with the merest thought...?"

The battle axe was no where to be seen.

"What did you do?" Thor asked in shock and surprise.

"Evened the odds." She spoke in English, and this time, Thor was certain it was definitely Carol. That voice belonged to her. Anyone else would have a hard time recreating her deep accent, without destroying their voice.

He felt the world around him go dark. Thor was at a complete loss as to why, until he saw that the 'cuts' on his legs were actually deep, bleeding gashes.

"I'm sorry..." Carol said in a tone somewhere between coldness and amusement. 

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