Doctor Who OC

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Natasha ??? Red dyed hair/naturally bluish-green, brilliant neon blue eyes, freckles pale-ish tan. from Earth but a few centuries after the current and humans evolved slightly. Has a blue patch on the left eye. 5th doctor's companion and bff, has seen some past selves. Disowned so no parents or family or anything has nightmares on a regular unless has someone to cuddle with, very affectionate (due to being evolved a bit. Like jack!) Had a mishap with the 5th doctor that rendered her unable to age during an adventure but that is unknown till #11 Tattoo of changing color hearts on hip

 Like jack!) Had a mishap with the 5th doctor that rendered her unable to age during an adventure but that is unknown till #11 Tattoo of changing color hearts on hip

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"So where to now, Doc?" Natasha asked, whirling around the control panel. "Don't tell me, we're off to play more cricket." She fake groaned, smirking at him as strands of her red hair fell in her face.

"Firstly, I asked you repeatedly not to call me that so for one last final time; please stop with that nonsense. Second, we're not going to play a match much to your pleasure. How do you feel about going on a special trip with just the two of us as the others try to get over their illnesses? Some fresh air will be good for us." The Doctor said pleasantly as he started to put in the coordinates. Natasha's smile widened and she couldn't help but hug him quickly. They have been stuck in the vortex for the past 4 days while the other companions stayed in bed, sick with a virus they picked up from the last trip and Natasha has slowly gone insane by the mundane activities she's been forced to do as she waited for everyone to be 100 percent so they can go on more fun adventures.

"Oh, this is fantastic! Where are we going?" She asked with excitement. The Doctor had a small smile on his face, influenced by his companion's transparent emotions.

"Apalapucia. It's a rather glorious planet. Did you know it rated number 2 in the Top Ten Destination for the Discerning Intergalactic Traveler?"

"Sounds marvelous." She sighed happily and grabbed her scarf off the coat rack and held onto the railing as they started the journey to the planet. She loved the Doctor and traveling with him and all but she can't help but secretly wish that he had learned some proper driving lessons! On her first trip in the Tardis, she fell and hit her head on the controls and gave herself a slight concussion. That wasn't fun. Once they landed, she immediately ran to the doors. Once she was outside, she turned around and saw the Doctor take his time pulling on his jacket. She rolled her eyes at the slow pace he was going.

"I know you're like really old but you don't have to act your age, old-timer." She teased as her foot tapped impatiently. He just gave her a slightly scolding look but the affectionate smile ruined the image. She let out a sigh and looked at the wonder that was in front of her. They landed at the edge of the woods and she could see a lovely looking little village about 10 meters out in front of a mountain with buildings carved into it delicately. She didn't have to guess why this planet was rated so high for visiting, the sky colors itself was one of the most beautiful things she has ever seen.

"Why didn't we come here sooner, Doc? This place looks amazing!" She said happily, turning around to see the Doctor almost there. But he was quickly replaced by the wooden blue panels of the door.

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