Balefire series by Cate Tiernan OC

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Jezebel Rousseau. Straight longish blonde hair, blue eyes. 19 frozen. was the guinea pig for Melita's first run of the spell resulting in the same as the others but she has uncontrollable magic. Not apart of the circle for that reason and she wasn't in the second run of the spell. ex gf of Luc. bff of Claire. D doesn't like her much. 5'7" loves risque clothes. Lip and nose piercing. Tattoo on the lower back and anklet ones. slight french accent. does origami. job used to be nanny with babies b4 the war then a nurse.

"Axelle, you're out of Froot Loops," I called out as I heard the door open, not bothering to open my eyes as I lounged out on her couch

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"Axelle, you're out of Froot Loops," I called out as I heard the door open, not bothering to open my eyes as I lounged out on her couch. The humidity was through the roof today and the air was too muggy to do anything but stay in one place.

"You're buying a new box. Now get up off your ass and come meet Thais." My eyebrows furrowed and I slowly sat up.

"Thais? Who is- oh mon Dieu." My eyes widened as I gazed at the girl who looked the exact Cerise. But this girl had black hair instead of the gold spun hair of the girl who died decades upon decades ago. She even had the exact same birthmark placement for Pete's sake! I looked over at Axelle who was smirking as she poured herself something to drink. I stood up and slowly made my way over.

"If I knew I was going to meet someone new, I would've worn better clothing." I tried to joke, holding out my hand. All I was wearing were these itty bitty jean shorts and a tight red crop top that had quite a few holes in it. She hesitantly shook my hand, looking questioningly at Axelle.

"I'm Jezebel Rousseau, a friend, and moocher off of Axelle."

"Thais Allard. Axelle is my guardian now, I guess." My head tilted to the side.

"Her father died and since we were such good friends, he appointed me as Thais' godmother. You remember Michael right?" Axelle said with a poker face but her eyebrows told me to play along.

"Oh! You're Michael's kid! I don't know why that name didn't strike a chord with me. He was always such a nice guy. He's really gone?" I acted sad, pouting slightly at Thais. Her lip trembled and she looked away after giving a slight nod. I looked down sadly before giving a long sigh and sat on the back of the couch.

"Come on Thais. I'll show you to your room and let you get settled." Axelle said after downing her drink and started leading the way. I picked up one of her bags and followed them. Axelle left immediately but I just jumped on her bed.

"I know Axelle doesn't seem like a responsible adult but she really is amazing if you give her a chance. She is really cool about like almost everything so if you need anything at all, you can just ask her and she'll 90 percent of the time help you. If she isn't hammered."

"How long have you lived with her?" I pretended to think hard about this, tossing my pale hair over my shoulder.

"Well, I live with her on and off throughout the years. I have these like episodes and she helps me when I have a particularly bad one. She's been taking care of me for what seems like forever if I'm in the area because I know I can always count on her. I basically mooch off her now and then; she doesn't care that much. We're old family friends. Just like she was with your dad." I said brightly and hopped off her bed. I walked over to her and clutched her shoulders loosely.

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