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     When I received every design, I went to look for Mr Hill. But he is nowhere in the venue. Brian told me that he postponed the meeting with the models for tomorrow. Alex offered to treat dinner for today.
  I told Zoe that I can't join them and asked her car key. I went to the office and checked for him. He's not even in the office. I returned back to my car.
   Someone called my name from behind. It's Ms Mace.
  " How's your trip?" I asked her.
  " Good. What about the launch?" She smiled.
  " It's terrible. I need to find Mr Hill. He asked me to submit the auction designs by today but I can't find him".
   " Maybe he's in his home. I give you the address. " She told me.
   " Thank you, Ms Mace" I thanked her and I drove the car to the address. After thirty minutes of driving, I reached his place.
   I am standing in front of the big gates. Thinking how to open it?. Just a minute after Ralph came out and escorts me to the mansion.
"Um... Excuse me, How do you know that I am here?" I asked Ralph.
"Ms Lloyd, Hill Mansion is secured" he pointed the security cameras.
   His mansion is shining by lights and marbles. The living room is dazzling by the chandelier.
Ralph told me to wait in the room which looks like a study room. I sat on the sofa and wondered about everything around me.
Ralph asked me whether I want something to drink or eat and he didn't even wait for me to reply. I just really don't like these people. Seriously, if it weren't about the auction designs, I will be never here. My mind was distracted by the photo on his desk. I went to see it. It was Mr Hill with a girl. Both of them were happy and their hands linked to others.  She looks beautiful. Who is this girl? Whoever she is, I don't care. I went back and sat on the sofa again.
   A few minutes later, Ralph entered with a tray of coffee and placed it on the table. Mr Hill came in and told Ralph to leave the room. Mr Hill is wet and his hair is damp. He just looks so hot. Why I feel vulnerable when I see him? No! Lee, you came here to give the designs to him and leave. I ordered myself.
"Ms Lloyd, if you don't stop bite your lip, it will start to bleed," He told and poured me a cup of coffee. 
   When he took the sugar, I stopped him.
" One spoon of sugar is enough for me"
     I took a sip of coffee. It is so much tastier than any coffee I had till now. I tried not to get distracted by him. I gave the designs to him.
    " These are the finalized designs for the auction," I told and explained him about the designs.
  "Mr Ray's designs were amazing. It's really good on our runway. I think we should make ask him to work with us for the upcoming events. " I spoke.
"Ms Lloyd, I never asked you to suggest to me." Mr Hill said coolly.
" I am sorry, Mr Hill. I think I should leave now" I stood and turned to walk but accidentally my heels tripped and I fell over him. What the hell he thinks about me? He darted eyes and cold expression always makes me like an idiot.         

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