Chapter Four

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Alex's Pov

Lauren and I walked off, we weren't too far from the base but we were far enough so no one could hear us.

"And then the whole ship exploded!" Lauren said laughing, i was laughing too, our worlds weren't really too different.

"You've been on crazy adventures! All i do is take down Empire ships and do Jedi training.." I said smiling at the beautiful girl in front of me.

"Well using that laser sword sounds fun"  She said blushing a bit.

"It's alright, it's pretty much like using a regular sword, but more dangerous. What kind of weapons do you use?" I asked her. She pulled out this red handle looking object, she closed her eyes and it turned into a gun.

"Its called a bayard, their weapons designed for the Paladins of Voltron" She said holding her weapon.

"That thing is so cool! Can it turn into anything? Or just a gun?" I asked in amazement. 

"I don't really know yet, my dad's told me theirs changed before so anything could happen i guess" She placed her weapon down and looked at me.

"So why did you bring me out here? Just to chat?" She added as she stared into my eyes, I could feel that I was blushing.

"Yeah, I just wanted to get to know you a bit better I guess..? At least before you have to go back home." I replied looking at her.

"Well I'm glad we got to talk for a bit, I haven't had a chance to just talk to anyone like this in a while..I've just been drifting out in space with family and friends."

"That sounds better than being in the middle of a war..i've been in two wars during my life time..and I'm just a young adult.." I commented looking down at my feet, Lauren touched my shoulder. I looked up at her, she was blushing bright pink.

"Alex..." I began to blush as she said my name. She got a bit closer..and we..

Allison's pov

I couldn't believe how immature my padawan was..Lying to me about a mission? A mission about her and Commander Bridgers home planet, and she thinks it's funny to lie to me about something as serious as that! That girl..even if she's immature, she's still like a sister to me...

I began to walk around the base, looking for Alex, we needed to talk. She's probably talking to that girl she met..i could sense a connection between them. I couldn't tell if it was a friendship connection or a crush connection. It's forbidden for her to fall in love so hopefully it's just a friendship connection. That girl knows its against the Jedi code to form attachments, we've seen what making attachments can do to a Jedi...Anakin Skywalker...

I continued to walk when I heard the girl from earlier say 'Alex', they must be at the landing platform. Alex's usual hangout, most of the pilots hung out there but mainly Alex. I continued to walk to the landing platform...

And see my padawan and this stranger...


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