Chapter 9

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It was 10:30am and I was in a frantic act rushing around getting ready for Buddy's surgery. I had some stuff packed into my purse and had a comfortable outfit on. I had chosen a pair of short denim shorts and a knitted white wooden jumper with a grey beanie. My hair was straight and I had minimal makeup on.

At 11, I grabbed my purse, phone, buddy's stuff and buddy and packed the car. I drove to the specialist veterinary clinic in Melbourne where buddy's surgery was going to take place. When we arrived there, I left his stuff inside and grabbed my purse and clipped buddy's lead on. I headed in and walked up to the desk. That's when I said my goodbyes to buddy and was told it would be at least 3 hours before I could go see him. I refused to leave and they led buddy away.

About an hour into surgery, I had read almost every magazine so I decided to do some Christmas shopping on my phone. I had a list of people I needed to buy for, including the boys, Pez, El, the little mix girls, Jess, Rachael, Brydie and Sarah. They were my closet friends. I had a lot more people to buy for but they were the most important people to me.

I shopped around deciding on what to buy. I had ordered a various range of stuff from online, including Gucci and Prada bags, beats speakers and headphones, iPads and Chanel perfumes. I spent a total of $36,450 in one shopping trip online. Oh well, it had to be done. I was always one to buy the expensive gifts...

At 2:30pm, I was called in to see buddy. I was told it had gone well and he was recovering. When I saw him in his cage, my heart broke. He looked so sore and in pain. How could someone leave him because they didn't want to pay for it. I didn't mind as long as he would be okay. When he saw me, his tail started to wag and he tried to lift his head, though he failed as he was still waking up. I patted him and bought him his teddy and blanket he slept on.

I left the vet at 3pm, deciding to finish my shopping. I headed to Myer and Bourke street mall in the city. I bought a few pandora bracelets from a jeweller, some more perfumes and makeup, a range of shoes and clothes, gift vouchers and stuff for the Christmas party I was having. I had spent well over $50,000 on stuff already so I decided to go home and call it a day.

At home, I unpacked everything and started to wrap it. I gave up about halfway and decided to hire someone to wrap them instead. Instead, I took Bruno to the beach across the road to run around for a bit. I sat on the sand and messaged El. She said they were flying to New York for New Years with a few others. I was told by Ele that she had been sent an invite to a New Years party near Times Square. I checked my email and found I had one too. I rsvped saying I'd go and told Ele the news. I now had something to do and a chance to see El.

When I got home, I ordered pizza for dinner. I ate it while on Facebook. I saw a heap of posts from other celebrities stating their attendance to the upcoming New Years event. When I saw that Ed and Harry were going, I knew it would be a great night. They were always the life of the party. Louis and El were also going and Perrie planned to go too with Jade. This was gonna be a night to remember. It was a plus 1 so I texted Jess asking if she wanted to come too. She was super excited and agreed to come to, as long as I paid. I knew she couldn't afford it so I agreed to pay for airfares and accommodation.

It was 5:30pm when a delivery of mail was dropped off. There was a bag of parcels and letters, being from fans. I was amazed how many people actually went out of their way and spent money on me. I wasn't special or famous. I opened it all and was amazed how much stuff I had been sent. There were perfumes, chocolates, jewellery, baby clothes and lovely letters. I added some of the people on Facebook and followed a few on Twitter like requested. It had made my night.

I went to bed early at about 8pm with all my presents wrapped and under my tree. A lady had come and wrapped everything for $200. I was happy. I fell asleep starting to fell the festivity.

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