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"Dinah getcho ass up!" Lauren hit Dinah with a pillow. Dinah groaned.

"What the hell?" Dinah rolled over.

"Ass," Ally giggled. Lauren and Dinah's eyes widened.

"Don't repeat that!" Dinah exclaimed.

"Ass!" Ally clapped.

"Lauren look what you did," Dinah grumbled, "Ally baby, don't say that please."

"Ass ass ass," Ally sang, bouncing on Dinah's bed.

"Ally, I said stop," Dinah said more sternly.

"But ass," Ally pouted, poking Dinah's ass. Lauren snorted and walked out.

"No saying that word, Ally. We have to finish packing today," Dinah sat up.

"Haf to be big?" Ally frowned, playing with the koala's ear.

"Until you are ready to tell management and Simon especially, yes," Dinah nodded.

"Otay," Ally said quietly.

"But, until we get there, you can be as little as you want," Dinah smiled, ruffling Ally's hair.

"Hey," Ally whined, pushing away Dinah's hand.

"Have you gone potty yet?" Dinah asked. Ally shook her head. "Do you need to?" Ally shook her head again.

"But you have to go before we leave, alright?" Dinah raised her eyebrows.

"'Es mom," Ally rolled her eyes.

"Hey, stop being so sassy and hanging out with Lauren all the time," Dinah said.

"She gets it from you!" Lauren said, walking pass Dinah's door. Dinah gave her doorway a grimace, making Ally giggle.

"C'mon, let's grab something to eat and get our bags in the van," Dinah said, getting up. Ally made grabby hands at Dinah. Dinah chuckled and picked Ally up.

"Look what came in!" Normani squealed, closing the front door as Dinah and Ally came down the stairs.

"What?" Dinah asked, looking at the large brown box Normani was standing next to.

"I'm pretty sure they're diapers and pull ups," Normani said carefully, looking at Ally. Ally watched Normani tear through the tape. "Ally can I open it?" Ally nodded slowly.

Ally reached for the floor and Dinah put her down. Ally sat next to Normani patiently, her hand naturally raising to her mouth. Dinah looked at the living room and saw a pacifier. She grabbed it and pulled Ally's thumb out of her mouth and replaced it with the pacifier. Ally took it with ease as Normani pulled out boxes of diapers and pull ups.

"Ally," Normani said softly. Ally just stared at the boxes.

"Do you want to try one?" Dinah asked. Ally looked between the boxes, Dinah, and Normani.

"It's okay if you don't want to, we aren't going to force you into wearing one," Normani rubbed circles on Ally's back.

"N-no, I try," Ally whispered.

"Are you sure?" Normani asked.

"'Es, before 'our," Ally lisped.

"Do you want us to help?" Dinah offered. Ally nodded.

"Okay, why don't we go over to the couch?" Normani suggested.

"Pull up or diaper?" Dinah asked, holding up the two. Ally looked up, one had Disney Princesses and the other flowers. Ally pointed at the princesses, only because Belle was on it. Dinah nodded and brought Ally, powder, and the diaper over to the couch.

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