I Dream of Phoebe

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3rd Person POV

"Good morning. Any phone calls?" Phoebe asked as she walked into the Bay Mirror and up to her assistant.

"Take your pick. We've got adulterers, cross-dressers, thirty-four year old virgins, and, oh, your nephew."

"Oh, Chris called?"

"No, Wyatt. Um, actually, I think Piper did the dialling, but. You have another nephew?"

"Um, no, uh, but-but, you know, maybe some day I will. You know what I mean? Okay" Phoebe dashed off to her office and jumps in surprise when she turns around to see Chris waiting for her there.

"Phoebe, I need your help," Chris told her.

"I've been calling for you all week. Didn't you hear me?"

"For the first couple of days, yeah. Then I put you on mute."

"You can put me on mute?"

"I had to, I was busy. Now, I need your help."

"Oh, yeah, and I need yours too, because you come here, you drop this bombshell on me, and you expect me to keep this secret? And I don't even know why I'm keeping the secret," ranted Phoebe, finally letting out the emotions she'd been bottling up lately. Not only was she keeping Chris's secret, she was also trying to keep Eliana's - which was hard for her to do - she had never been good at keeping things to herself!

"Nobody can find out Piper and Leo are my parents. It could mess with the whole future!" Chris said.

"Yeah, well, if you didn't want anybody to know, I don't know why you told me."

"I told you because you busted me, and I'm glad you did. I have been so focused on protecting Wyatt, I've completely forgotten about me. This month is my conception date."

"Your conception date?" Phoebe asked, her face scrunching up at the thought.

"That's where I've been. Oracles, fortune tellers, soothsayers they all say the same thing. If mum and dad don't screw this month, I'm screwed!" Chris explained.

"Okay, I'm just trying to get used to you being my nephew. I never hit on you, did I?" asked Phoebe, as she sighed and sat down at her desk.

It was Chris's turn to scrunch up his face in disgust. "What? No!"

"Oh, thank god."

"Can we focus here, please? Mum and dad need to have sex. Now who's gonna tell them? You or me?"

"No, nobody's gonna tell them because we're not gonna reopen those wounds!" Phoebe exclaimed.

"Okay. So how do we get them back together?"

"W-we? There is no we here. We don't. You're the one that split them up. And why did you split them up?"

"Leo had to become an Elder to make room for me as your Whitelighter. It was the only way I could protect Wyatt from turning evil," Chris said calmly.

Phoebe looked at her nephew in astonishment. "You're unbelievable. I mean, most kids who are the cause of their parents divorce actually feel guilty. And you're sitting here like it's part of your master plan!" she shouted.

"I'm sensing some real issues here," replied Chris.

"Oh, you're damn right there are issues. You can't just pop in from the future and play with people's lives because your big brother picked on you!"

"He picked on the world, Phoebe!" Chris yelled back.

"I'm not finished. Your parents were happy until you split them up. And now you want my help because you didn't think this all the way through?" the two looked at each other in silence until Phoebe's breathing finally calmed down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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