Chapter 1 Joy Cash

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Chapter 1

Joy Cash

The sun was shining through the curtains. My bones were aching from yesterday’s incident. Yesterday was like everyday of my life. I would wake up for school, skip breakfast, and then prepare for the beat down of my life. “The sun is beautiful today. Isn’t it Joy?” My mother questioned with her bright smile, at least I wished it was bright. I just nodded without meeting her eyes. The sun might’ve been out, but over my head was a dark cloud. I grabbed my old, torn backpack and headed out the door.

The school I attended was filled with money lovers. Every corner was another conversation about wealth. I opened my locker only for it to be slammed shut by an evil, heartless bastard. “Worthy before worthless, bitch.” A harsh voice was spoken. It was Alex, Alex Row. I moved to the side, so he could open his locker, and kept my head down till I saw his shadow leave. Alex was on the baseball team. Every time I saw him wearing his baseball uniform, I would gag. I love baseball; but when I saw him in that uniform, hatred would form. Alex was a senior, like me. I never met his eyes, mostly because I prefer to stay away. After all, he was the one who caused this nightmare. He would spend his time harming me mentally. He didn’t really hurt me physically; but if he did, it was from slamming the locker on my fingers. Two preppy girls walked up to Alex. It was the Knight twins. Sasha was dating Alex at the time. The Knight twins were a great definition of attention whores. Sasha bashed my face against the lockers and said sarcastically, “Oh, I’m so sorry.” When the Devil and the whores left, I reopened my locker and grabbed my books for class.

The best part about lunch was being alone, that is if the twins don’t find me. I skipped lunch, like always, so no one could harass me. I would lean against the brick wall, behind the school. I pulled out a heart-shaped necklace. My father gave it to me. He was the best man I ever knew. Unfortunately I learned that with every life, there is death. He was working late one night. The weather was terrible. We were under a tornado watch. When he was driving home, a drunk driver collided with him. There was blood all over the windshield. All I have left of him is the heart-shaped necklace he gave me for my third birthday. I gazed at the sky, knowing he was looking down on me, and whispered silently, “I miss you.” I opened the heart up to find a picture of my dad, the first picture that was ever taken of me. I tried to hold back the tears. I looked around the area to find the Knight twins coming my way. I quickly placed the necklace in my pocket and left. Like always, though, the twins caught up to me. They shoved me against the brick wall, repeatedly. The last push made my body collapse. I had a few cuts on my arm from the impact. Most of the cuts was already there from my stupidity. I pulled my sleeves down and left while the girls were giggling.

Home was a place to relax and forget about the troubles at school. How could I relax when I still get bullied at home? My Facebook page was filled with threats. Some were from classmates, but most of the threats came from Alex. He pushed my buttons so hard one night that I pulled out a razor blade and sliced up the skin. To this day, the scars remain on my arm. I was tired of social networking that I deleted all my accounts. I didn’t have time anyways; I had a little brother to look after. He was only a year old. Mother started working after the accident. When I came home from school, she would leave me with Max. She worked all night. She only had one day off, Sundays. Which was a good thing because our family focuses more on God than we do money, unlike today’s world. Today’s generation is about drugs, sex, and money. Life is focus on those three, useless actions. It’s hard to find a true believer now days. One says they believe in God, but then they turn their back and speak the devil’s language.

The sky grew darker and the wind blew harder. It was time for bed when I heard the phone ringed. I held Max in my arms and picked up the phone. “ Hello?” I questioned while rocking Max.

SufferingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora