Chapter 3 Together Till Death

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Chapter 3

Together Till Death

Alex and Joy had a tough life, but things changed when they found God. God brought the two of them together. Alex fixed his relationship with his father, and became more than a son. Alex became a friend to his father. Alex couldn’t stay away from Joy. He became romantically attached to her, and decided to move in with her. They spent a year together before Alex popped the question. He gave Joy the ring he would've gave Sasha. It was a big, bright diamond. If the stone were outside, there would be a glare. He spent all his money for someone who used to mean the world to him. He found a new girl, though. This girl is not just any girl. She was an angel. Joy was Alex’s world.

They were 26 when Joy was expecting a baby girl. Alex was excited, but he had concerns. He walked in his office to think about the future. Joy placed her hand on his shoulder. “What’s wrong?” Her sweet voice made Alex’s eyes light up.

He stood up and walked to the window. “Look.” He opened the curtains revealing the bodies. Their neighborhood was chaos. All the neighbors were fighting over who has the best house. The fight started off with a few hospital visits. In the end, though, there was death. “Look at the blood and dead bodies on our lawn. I know you lived here since you moved and don’t plan on moving, but think about Max. He’s getting older.”

“We have to live here. It’s the only house we can afford. We have student loans to pay off. If we stay, you can finish your degree. You want to be a doctor, right?” She quickly closed the curtains.

“I rather drop out of school and move, then stay here and suffer. Think about our child.” Alex rubbed Joy’s bump. They came to the conclusion that they had to move. The Row’s stayed in school, since Joy only had a week left and Alex had a month to go. The question that they kept asking was: Is this a good choice God?

Max was ten when they moved into a new neighborhood. It was a nice area. The price was a little out of their range, but the neighbors were pleasant. A few weeks after moving into their new house, Joy had her diploma. She started teaching at Hunter Elementary. She was a second grade teacher. Joy loved her class. She had a small group. Most of the kids were boys. When a month flashed by, she had to take time off. Her due date was around the corner. Alex, who was a doctor at the hospital, graduated from New York University when Joy was sent home. Alex was the youngest doctor, but smartest individual. He once performed open-heart surgery in under thirty minutes. He loved his job, but he loved his family more. He took a few days off, so he could take care of Joy and Max. On a winter night, the two love birds had a surprise visitor. “How’s my beautiful daughter-in-law?” Alex’s father stood at the door with a teddy bear.

“You should’ve call, so I could clean the house for you.” Joy said with a smile.

Alex grinned at her. “I wouldn’t let you do that.” Alex hugged his father. “What brings you to New York?”

Max greeted him with a bear hug. “My first granddaughter is going to be born soon; I’m not going to miss it.” He looked at Max. “Ready to be an Uncle?”

Max revealed his white teeth. “Of course!” Max was excited to be an Uncle.

Alex was at the hospital, when Joy went in to labor. Alex’s father rushed Joy to the hospital. Max was in the backseat with the teddy bear Mr. Row bought for the baby. When they arrived at the hospital, Alex was getting the room ready for Joy. Alex’s father and Max stayed in the waiting room. Normally, it takes Alex an hour to deliver a baby. Two hours went by, and still no sign of Alex. Another hour went by, and still no sign of Alex. When the fourth hour came, Alex was seen. Alex was in tears. He sat next to his father. “What happened?” His father spoke with a low tone.

“Joy…” He hid his eyes so Max couldn’t see. “Joy…”

Max stood in front of him, “Alex, what’s wrong?”

How was Alex going to Max? “Joy’s gone.”

Their eyes grew twice the normal size, and then water fell. “What?” Max dropped the bear.

A doctor with a clipboard walked up to the Row family. “I’m sorry Alex, but Joy didn’t make it. Her last words were a silent prayer. Your daughter, though, is healthy. She is breathing normally.” The doctor placed his hands on Alex’s shoulder.

“What was the prayer?” Alex choked up. He tried to stay strong, but how could he? He lost the woman that helped him find God.

The doctor grinned. “She prayed that God would take her.”

“What?” Alex’s father questioned as he held Max in his arms.

“She prayed that God would take her and let her daughter live.” The doctor cleared his throat. “Would you like to see your daughter?”

Alex started thinking. Why? Why did God do this? Why me? “I want to see Joy. Just one time.” Alex stated with his fists clenched. The doctor nod his head and left. “Dad, you and Max can go see the baby.”

As Alex turned, he felt small arms around his waist. “I want to see Joy!” Max cried the world’s biggest river. Do you blame him? Joy wasn’t just a sister to him, but a mother too. Max never met his father, lost his mother when he was one, and spent two years in the hospital.

“It’s for the best if you go with…”

Max cut off Alex. “No! I want Joy! I want my sister back!”

Everyone was looking at them. Every face was covered with tears. “I know you do; I do too, but we have to be strong.” Alex hugged Max tightly then walked away.

When he opened the door to Joy’s room, his heart dropped. The love of his life is dead. A doctor came in and handed Alex a broken necklace. “This was in your wives pocket?” Alex starred at the locket. The lock was broken. When he opened the locket, he remembered the necklace. He was holding what he destroyed. He looked at the picture of Joy and her father. He starred at her pale skin. He kissed her lips, for the last time, and left the room. He held the necklace close to him. The next stop, was to see his beautiful daughter.

Max and Alex’s father was waiting by the glass for Alex. “She’s precious.” His father pointed out. Alex looked out and saw the doctor holding his baby girl. Alex walked in the room and held the baby in his arms. His father and Max came in from behind. “What will you name her?” His father questioned.

“I don’t know.” He responded as he rocked the baby. Alex then looked at Max. “What do you think, Max? What should we name her?”

Alex brought the baby closer to Max. “Princess. Princess Joy Row.” Max said with a grin.

Alex held the baby close to him and gazed in her eyes. She had her mother’s eyes. “That’s a perfect name.”

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