2 First adventure begins,

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The next morning, Aus and Zea were up, Ame was asleep at the table, refusing to get up and Canada was in the second room, still asleep. Coconut kept hopping around Dez, trying to get a reaction. Eventually Dez just screeched at the kiwi, as most of us know the last thing you want to hear after waking up is an eagle's call amplified by 9 times. "Dez if your gonna do that go outside." Aus said. Dez just got up, went out and flew off. "I swear that thing targets me" Zea said, getting something out. "He doesn't target you, he's like that with everyone" Said Aus.
Zealand just rolled his eyes and took out a small box. As soon as Coconut saw the box, he jumped up onto the bench. Zea just took a couple bugs out of the box and let Coconut peck them off and eat them. Once he was done he just went outside.

After a few minutes of mOrnIng AwkwArdness, there was a knock at the door. Aus got up and opened it. To his surprise it was an old lady, who just held a battle axe to him. "Uh...Can I help you?" Aus asked. (Ey you'd be confused if some random old lady came over and held an axe at you).  Zealand just poked his head round the corner. "Oh-Linda. Wait right there I'll get it" Said Zea. He came out holding a small pouch that seemed to be glowing blue and handed it to the woman. She just looked at it, looked up at the two, and walked off. "A customer of yours I'm guessing?" Aus asked, shutting the door. "Kinda, she just came up to me n' told me to get some of that stuff" he said, sitting down at the table. "You got random stuff for a random lady?" Ame asked, halfheartedly. "Bitch had an axe what was I supposed to do?" Said Zea.
"She didn't even say what she wanted it for" "Ok well if she threatens you again just tell me" said Aus.

"Aus, don't go fighting poor old lady's" Said Ame "I ain't gonna fight her, I'll just- OW!" Aus yelled. He dropped his arm and kept clutching it "Aussie? You alright?" Nada asked from the top of the stairs. "gOd- It feels like I just wacked my arm on the wall" he said, holding his arm up. "Wait a sec, where'd Dez go?" Zea asked. Aussie thought for a second. "Shit-" he said. He grabbed his sword, put it in the scabbard and went out, followed by Zealand. They went to the forest that surrounded the village seeing as a huge black griffin would be easy to spot in a village. Meanwhile, Dez had gotten his front leg caught under a pile of rocks. He kept kicking and pulling trying to get free, but it's kind of hard to push bolders away when you're caught under them. After a while, Coconut rocked up, with an expression that could only be described as smug.

"What are you doing out here, shouldn't you be back eating worms" Dez screeched "shouldn't yOu be off killing deer or something" Coconut said, hopping up onto one of the smaller rocks. "Would you prefer me to throw one of these rocks at you" Said Dez "Yea Yea I'm helping" Coconut said, flicking some of the smaller rocks out.

Every now and then, Australia's arm spiked from Dez pulling, he just ignored it. He was mostly focused on finding the griffin "Aus can't you just do that bird call thing you do?" Zea asked, not really wanting to be out here first thing in the morning "Mate yesterday we woke a dragon up by raising our voice, there ain't no way I'm doin that" Said Aus.

Eventually they came across Dez who was just about free, and Coconut who was hopping down to greet them. Aus just ran over to Dez and pushed the last bolder off. "Dez the hell were you doing out this far?" Aus asked. Dez screeched. "What'd he say?" Zealand asked
Aus just followed Dez's squawks as if listening to a conversation. "He says he was following somebody with a glowing bag" Dez screeched once more "because he was bored apparently" said Aussie. Zealand thought for a few seconds. "Maybe he was following Linda?" He asked. Why would an old woman come all the way out into the forest? They were about to brush the idea off, when coconut started chirping in another direction. They were in a clearing surrounded by trees, the kiwi kept squeaking towards them. "Coco what are you doing?" Zea asked, picking the bird up. Coconut just jumped out of his arms and sped off into the forest. He may be a small bird but this thing could sonic it's way around like a wheel on ice. "COCO! WAIT!" Zea just ran after them "Oh and Dez is the one who needs a leash." Aus said sarcastically. He just went after Zealand after a while of chasing the bird, they came to a stop once they found what coconut had lead them too.

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