Part 11: Are we done yet?

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It was Just on sunrise When Australia woke up, First thing he noticed was that he had bits of herbs all over him. Including on his face, causing him to sneeze. Canada was already awake, with Ukraine sitting next to him, angrily wrapping any wounds he had. "I was starting to think you were dead" Said Canada. Aus looked around, remembering what had happened and only now realising he was back at the house."...Zealand...Zea! TELL ME WE GOT HIM!" He yelled. "Don't worry, he's upstairs, He said he didn't wanna talk to you" Said America. "Yea he thought you'd be mad at him" Said Canada. "Why would I be mad at him?" Asked Aus. "Don't you remember him stabbing You?" Asked Blanc. "He was being controlled! It's not like he could help it! I'll see if I can talk with Him" Aussie said, standing up.

He went up stairs to Zealand's room and just knocked on the door. "Zea? You in there?" He asked. A muffled "Go away" came from behind the door. "Uh.. I'm gonna hope like hell that you're decent cause I'm coming in" Said Aussie. He opened the door to see New Zealand, lying face down on the bed. "You alright there sulky?" Aus asked. Zealand just looked up at them. Seeing no angry expression on his face, he got confused. "If your pretending not to be mad you don't have to" Zealand said. "I'm not pretending! What- you think just cause some bitch who thinks she's shit controls you that I'm gonna be mad at you?" Said Aus. Zealand thought for a second, he honestly didn't expect him to be this cool about it. "It's weird when you make points" Said Zealand "I know, now come downstairs everyone thinks you escaped out the window" Said Aus. Zealand got up and went went down stairs with Aussie to where everyone else was. "Hey so you are still here" Said America. "Yea yea" Said Zealand.

Dez was outside, chewing on the arm of...Some type of animal, flicking bits of scrap meat off to coconut, when he felt something was off again. The air felt oddly cold yet warm at the same time. He lifted his head, trying to see if anything was out of the ordinary. Nothing, still the same, that drunk guy was still yelling at the potato sack. Meanwhile, Everyone inside was trying to erase the whole fiasco from their minds by talking about literally anything else, when they started feeling the air Chang too. "Anyone else feel that?" Ukraine asked. "If you mean the air feeling like pepper then yea" Said Dylan. It was an uncomfortable minute until they heard Dez's very panicked screech from outside, followed by a loud crash. America went to go see if it was just the griffin being stupid or something to worry about. "If it's the damn Dragon again I swear-" Said Aus. "Ok- good news and bad news" Said Ame. "What's the good news?" AskedCanada. "Good news is it isn't a dragon" Said America. "And the bad news?" Asked Zea. "Bad news is it isn't a dragon" America said, looking back at the others. Everyone was confused until they heard someone from outside yell "I KNOW YOUR HERE! WHY NOT JUST GET IT OVER WITH AND SPARE THE TIME!?" "Please don't tell me that's who I think it is-" Said Zealand. "Uh if you think it's chess board lady then you'd be right" Said America. Checkers had been throwing huge balls made from some type of dark magic at houses in the village, hoping to find the one they were in. "Alright That's it I've had enough of this bitch" Canada said, grabbing his dagger. "What you gonna fight her with just a dagger?" Asked Ame "Nah, he'll have me too" Said Aus. "Alright, fuck it I'll join" Said Ame. Dylan, Blanc and Zealand joined too and they went out to kill checkers or die trying. "Oh you decided to be hero's did you?" Checkers said, summoning two more dark magic ball thingies. "It's a shame, I thought I'd get to have more fun before killing you" she continued. "Good luck with that bitch! I've dodged a lot of deaths I'm pretty sure I can dodge another!" Said Zealand. "Zea let's not get cocky yet" Said Aus. Checkers laughed at Zealands remark. "I think you'll be first to go, little hobbit" She said. "WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK IM A HOBBIT!?" Zealand yelled. Checkers flung one of the dark magic orbs at them, knocking them all away from eachother so she could pick them off one by one, then looked over at Zea, who was aiming an arrow at her. He was trying to make sure it would go straight at her head, but before he could shoot, Checkers flung another orb straight at him and


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